The best foods for prostate health

The best foods for prostate health

We are always looking for the best foods for our health, and although there are foods that are generally beneficial to our bodies – certain foods are just better for certain things. Let’s take a look at the best foods for men and a healthy prostate:

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Exercise could improve prostate cancer survival

Exercise could improve prostate cancer survival

A new study backed by Cancer Research UK will look into the health benefits of exercise for men with prostate cancer.  It is a known fact that exercise keeps our bodies healthy, but the affect it has on prostate cancer has not been researched.

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HIFU for prostate cancer

HIFU for prostate cancer

What is HIFU? HIFU stands for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound. It delivers high frequency sound waves which creates heat to specific areas of the prostate to kill the cancer cells. A trans-rectal probe is inserted into your rectum to reach the prostate and more accurately target the prostate cancer with the strong beams.

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Tips for better prostate health

Tips for better prostate health

The most common prostate issues include prostate cancer, enlarged prostate due to benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), or prostatitis. The best way to prevent prostate problems is by living a healthy lifestyle. There are also many natural ways to promote better prostate health even if you already have symptoms or a diagnosis. If you are already experiencing prostate troubles, these natural changes can help keep these conditions from getting worse, help relieve symptoms, and even help cure them.

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