Free PSA Screening: Only 200 Spots Available

One simple blood test can save a life.
— Peter Latos

Over 230,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year and almost 30,000 men die every year from this disease. Dr. David Samadi and the Peter Latos Prostate Cancer Foundation are dedicated to the early detection of prostate cancer. 

Peter Latos died of prostate cancer in June 2013 and his hope was to spread awareness around the severity of this disease and get men to think very seriously about prevention and screening. He always used to say "One simple blood test can save a life." 


That blood test he was referring to is the PSA Blood Test (prostate specific antigen.) A PSA is the first line of defense in regards to prostate cancer. It's a simple blood test that can detect suspicious antigen levels around the prostate, leading to further diagnostic methods such as a biopsy. 

In honor of Peter, the Peter Latos Prostate Cancer Foundation was created and is dedicated to spreading awareness around the early detection of prostate cancer. 

Join Dr. David Samadi and his staff for free PSA screenings, Saturday May 9, 2015 from 9—11am. The Peter Latos Prostate Cancer Foundation will sponsor the first 200 men who register. Sign up by calling 212.365.5000.

We hope to see you.