African Americans More At Risk For Heart Attack

African Americans More At Risk For Heart Attack

We've talked about women being most at risk for heart disease and heart attacks but now a new study shows that African Americans are also at high risk for having a heart attack. A heart attack can be considered a circulation problem and occurs when the blood supply to the heart is either reduced or completely cut off.  This can occur because of a blood clot or a narrowing of the arteries.  When the heart muscle doesn’t receive blood, the lack of oxygen causes damage and it begins to die.

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Feeling stressed or anxious? Here Are 7 Ways to Calm Down

Feeling stressed or anxious? Here Are 7 Ways to Calm Down

You’ve heard the adage before: “manage your stress or your stress will manage you.”  As it turns out, this is no wives tale; there is more truth behind this saying than you might realize.  Perhaps the most shocking fact about stress is that it affects your body systemically, not just in one area.  This stress can originate from anywhere and, at a basic level, is your body’s reaction to situations that can be perceived as potentially dangerous.  As the New Year approaches, taking control of the stressors in our lives becomes ever more important to keep to our resolutions dedicated to being healthier and happier.

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Wider Use of Statins Can Save Lives

Wider Use of Statins Can Save Lives

Prescription drugs like Lipitor, Crestor, and Zocor have become very familiar names in American homes.  Statins are among the most commonly prescribed medications for lowering cholesterol, especially in the US.  It is estimated that they are responsible for saving thousands of people each year, affected by heart disease.  These drugs work by blocking a substance your liver needs to make cholesterol, the waxy substance that’s found in fat in your blood. This causes your liver to remove cholesterol from your blood.

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Amazing Health Benefits of Herbs

Amazing Health Benefits of Herbs

Herbs, those fragrant culinary delicacies, offer so much more than just flavoring and garnishing our food.  Whether you buy them at the grocery store, a farmer’s market or grow your own, these tender plants harbor a wealth of health benefits just waiting for you to discover. Since ancient times, herbs have been used for medicinal purposes concentrated in teas and tinctures.  More recently, herbs health properties have been realized due to the various nutrients and polyphenols they provide. 

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5 Natural Sunburn Remedies

5 Natural Sunburn Remedies

The most important way you can protect yourself from skin cancer is to stay out of the sun. However, most people enjoy the sun too much to completely avoid it. Plus, sun exposure is essential for us to get vitamin D. Therefore, the next best thing you can do is to wear sunscreen. But we all have had a terrible sunburn. If you're burnt to a crisp and are looking for some natural home remedies to relieve the pain, here are some tips. 

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Understanding Fainting

Understanding Fainting

Fainting can be a rather alarming experience for both the person who faints and those around them who might bear witness.  One minute you are just hanging out, the next think you know you are passed out on the floor.   But what do we really know about what is happening here, and why?

What is fainting?

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8 Ways to Improve Brain Health

8 Ways to Improve Brain Health

There are important lifestyle changes and habits you can instill early on in life to keep your brain healthy as well as reduce the risk of cognitive decline. Think of the brain as the control center in the body. Recent findings suggest that the majority of people realize they can reduce their risk of cognitive decline but aren't sure where to start. Here are 6 lifestyle changes you can implement now for your brain.

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Brain Damage from Drug Abuse Higher in Women

Brain Damage from Drug Abuse Higher in Women

Brain health is incredibly important. From the air we breathe to the foods we eat, every daily action affects our brain. We just wrote about foods to eat to keep your brain healthy. But we haven't explored drug abuse and its effect on the brain. Most of us are aware that abusing stimulants like cocaine or methamphetamine aren't partners in long-term brain health. To take it even further, however, is new research published in the journal, Radiology, that shows women's brain health is more effected than a man's.

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Your Foot Health: Understanding Bunions

Your Foot Health: Understanding Bunions

You might think that bunions are just for your Aunt Rita, but the truth is they can happen to anyone.  Sure, some of us are more prone to them whether it be by genetics, arthritis or a lifestyle of high heels and tight shoes.  But anyone can develop them.  A bunion is characterized by an enlarged joint and bump at the base of the big toe.  This can be coupled with the big toe leaning in toward the second toe, joint pain in the foot, and numbness.  As a bunion develops, the bump at the big toe joint can become red, inflamed and painful.   This makes wearing shoes and even walking difficult for some.

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Summer Health: Preventing Bee Stings

Summer Health: Preventing Bee Stings

Believe it or not, about 1 million people in the U.S. are stung by bees. Bee or wasp stings are a common problem, especially in the spring and summer and in warm climates. They're painful, as many of us can attest to, but not a serious issue for the majority of people. Generally, a bee or wasp sting will cause pain, itching, warmth and swelling. People with a severe allergic reaction may have trouble breathing or swallowing and even experience a rash, swelling in the face, lips, throat and tongue. More severe cases bring on weakness, a drop in blood pressure and unconsciousness. 

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Exercise Today: You'll Sleep Better

Exercise Today: You'll Sleep Better

New studies are revealing further evidence of the link between exercise and sleep hygiene. And these significant studies may finally show which exercises lead to deeper and better sleep throughout the night. Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine recently released findings that show survey results from almost 430,000 adults. They were asked to specifically outline the type of physical activity they spent doing the most in the past month and how many hours per 24-hour cycle they slept.

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Summer hazards to watch for

Summer hazards to watch for

Edgartown fire chief Peter Shemeth said a man was apparently digging a hole between six and eight feet deep in the beach at Norton Point when the sand collapsed in around him.

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6 Reasons Your Tired All the Time

6 Reasons Your Tired All the Time

Ahh, I feel tired, the age-old statement we all make sometimes once a day. Feeling tired can of course be linked to a chronic disease or other issue, but we all just plain old feel tired from time to time. Here are 6 reasons you may not have known that contribute to feeling tired or trigger tiredness. 

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Why you should keep your teeth healthy

Why you should keep your teeth healthy

Your mouth is a Petri dish for all kinds of bacteria, so it is essential that you clean properly for more reasons than just whiter teeth.  Dentists recommend brushing and flossing day and night for healthy teeth and gums, but the benefits of this habit go beyond just healthy teeth.  Good oral hygiene can help you avoid some major health issues, giving you another reason to listen to your dentist.  Here are some ways that bad oral health can affect your health.  

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Healing pulled muscles

Healing pulled muscles

We rely on our muscles to complete everyday tasks, from walking, or picking things up, to running and jumping around during a fitness class. Sometimes twisting or pulling the wrong way or too hard can spell injury for these muscles.  A muscle pull or strain is usually the result of a pull or tear, and as we age we put our bodies more at risk when we test our physical limits. Not stretching or warming up sufficiently is enough to get hurt. 

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Here's the Health Risk of Wearing Skinny Jeans

Here's the Health Risk of Wearing Skinny Jeans

A women was hospitalized for days after her jeans caused her to lose feeling in her legs according to a study published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. Researchers deems that the tightness could cause compression of blood vessels and nerves, immobilizing patient temporarily. The study also concluded that squatting in skinny jeans could damage nerves and muscles in legs. 

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The Truth About Yoga

The Truth About Yoga

The world was surprised and delighted to see the 36,000 people in India come out for the International Day of Yoga for the world's largest yoga session, which was last Sunday. People all over the world, from Paris to New York, gathered to practice this ancient physical and spiritual discipline and celebrate its health benefits. Let's explore the truth about yoga. 

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Tick Checks: Prevent Lyme Disease

Tick Checks: Prevent Lyme Disease

Summer is here and ticks are prevalent. If you're outside, in a wooded or grassy area, it's important to do a tick check after returning indoors. The sooner you catch these little buggers, the quicker you can prevent disease like lyme disease. 

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