Vitamin B6

  • Your body needs vitamin B6 for more than 100 different enzyme reactions in the body, and it's needed during pregnancy for normal fetal brain development.
  • If you are low on vitamin B6, you may have a higher risk of colon and other cancer, notice itchy rashes or cracks at the corners of your mouth, or feel depressed.
  • Try getting essential nutrients from food before you take supplements.
  • B6 is found in tuna, salmon, chicken, turkey, and ground beef
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What A Vitamin B12 Deficiency Means

What A Vitamin B12 Deficiency Means

This type of deficiency causes anemia in the body, which means the body doesn't have enough red blood cells. Certain conditions include Crohn's disease, celiac disease, pernicious anemia, alcoholism and make it hard for the body to absorb enough of the vitamin. Lack of this essential vitamin can cause fatigue, and even in some severe cases paralysis and nerve damage.  Treatment with a balanced diet or B12 supplements or shots brings levels back to normal.

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Do dietary supplements give athletes the winning edge?

Do dietary supplements give athletes the winning edge?

Dietary supplements have always played a predominate role in the world of sports.  Whether a person is a competitive athlete or a casual exerciser, today’s athlete is always looking for the latest and greatest nutritional supplement that will give them the ultimate performance-enhancing edge.   Competition in sports has always been high but nowadays it is more fierce and demanding than ever and this can be one way athletes seek out to improve their skills. 

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Vitamin K2 – a little known nutrient with big benefits

Vitamin K2 – a little known nutrient with big benefits

Vitamin K, a fat soluble vitamin discovered in the 1930’s, is best known for its role in blood coagulation or blood clotting.  This form is also known as vitamin K1 or phylloquinone.  However there is another form of vitamin K that hasn’t received as much attention until the 21st century – vitamin K2.  Vitamin K2, also known as menaquinone, is made by our intestinal bacteria and also is found in certain food sources.  Deficiencies of vitamin K1 are rare but deficiencies of vitamin K2 are more common.  It is the vitamin K2 form that seems to have far-reaching roles that appear to make a meaningful difference in the health of our hearts, bones and of prostate cancer. 

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Vitamin supplement may reduce skin cancer

Vitamin supplement may reduce skin cancer

A new Australian study suggests a vitamin supplement may reduce a person’s risk for skin cancer. Australian researchers have found that form of vitamin B3, called nicotinamide, may decrease non-melanoma skin cancers by 23 percent. The supplement was shown to reduce non-melanoma skin cancers when taken twice a day. 

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5 Supplements to Avoid

5 Supplements to Avoid

Did you know that more than half of Americans take some form of a dietary supplement? In fact, Americans spend about $30 billion on dietary supplements each year. Many people take dietary supplements because they are often marketed as safer than prescription drugs due to being made from natural products. But how safe are they?

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Quality Vitamins: A How-to Guide

Quality Vitamins: A How-to Guide

Americans love vitamins. Research shows about half of all adults take a daily multivitamin among other more specific supplements. Over the past few months, we've seen some concerns over vitamins, so we put together a guide to help you differentiate between high-quality and low-quality supplements. 

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What's in Your Vitamins?

What's in Your Vitamins?

Recently, 14 attorney generals challenged New York State to a deeper investigation of the production of vitamins and supplements, due to products from retailers like Target and Walgreens turning up ingredients that were not listed on the labels. This has raised many safety concerns. We explore. 

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The role of B vitamins in the prevention of Alzheimer's

The role of B vitamins in the prevention of Alzheimer's

B vitamins have long been known to play a key role in metabolism and energy extraction; and a deficiency in vitamins B6 or B12 can cause anemia.  

New research suggests that B vitamin supplementation may also play a role in protecting against Alzheimer’s disease – which is good news for the aging U.S. population.

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The truth about daily multivitamins

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately half of adults in the U.S. take at least one daily dietary supplement – the most popular being a multivitamin.  This translates into about $28 billion per year spent on vitamins, supplements, and minerals.

The truth about daily multivitamins


It is important to understand the difference between these dietary add-ons. Vitamins are naturally occurring, organic nutrients (coming from plants and animals) and include vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K. Minerals are inorganic compounds (coming from natural processes) and include calcium, magnesium, iron, and sodium. “Supplement” is a catch-all term, which includes vitamins, minerals, herbs, botanicals, etc.  

Another important distinction between vitamins and minerals is that vitamins are either fat or water soluble, whereas minerals are not soluble.  Fat soluble vitamins, as their name suggests, can be stored in fat and can be dangerous in large doses.  In excess, water soluble vitamins can be excreted in the urine and rarely pose danger when consumed in large amounts.

A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that taking a daily multivitamin can reduce the risk of cancer by 12 percent in men aged 50 and older and appears to have no dangerous side-effects; no benefit was seen for risk of prostate cancer.  The take home from this study is that a multivitamin regimen seems to be more beneficial than increasing daily intake of one vitamin.  

As far as vitamin supplementation goes, few people in the U.S. are deficient in vitamin A.  The retinol form is found in eggs, liver, whole milk, dark green leafy vegetables and orange/yellow fruit and is more readily absorbed than the beta-carotene version.  Most people get plenty of the B vitamins through their diet.  Evidence is mixed for whether vitamin C can help you avoid or reduce cold symptoms.  Vitamin D can be activated just with some sun exposure and is also found in fatty fish, eggs and fortified dairy products.  

As a urologist, I do not support vitamin E or selenium usage in older men based on the findings of the SELECT Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial.  This study was stopped prematurely in 2008 after men taking 400 international units (IU) of the vitamin showed an increased risk of developing prostate cancer.  Moreover, vitamin E may inhibit blood clotting, so it shouldn’t be taken with blood thinners.  

Multivitamins could be beneficial in certain populations – such as women who are pregnant, breast-feeding, or trying to conceive; dieters consuming fewer than 1,200 calories a day or cutting out an entire food group (i.e. carbs); and those with medical conditions that affect digestion and food absorption.

Unless your physician recommends an intake of more than 100 percent of the recommended daily intake of a particular nutrient, you probably don’t need it.  If you are already getting the recommended amount of nutrients by eating a variety of fruit, vegetables, cereals, dairy, and protein, there’s little, if any, additional benefit from ingesting nutritional supplements.  One important finding from the JAMA study is that while you may not receive additional benefits, there doesn’t appear to be any harm by taking supplements.  A word of caution, however: Excess fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) will be stored and can pose toxicity risks if you ingest too much.  

As always, speak with your physician before beginning any supplementation program. It is important to rule out any possible interactions between drugs and supplements.  Furthermore, don’t assume vitamins or supplements are completely safe just because they are labeled as “all natural.”  The FDA does not rigorously test supplements for safety or effectiveness as they do for drugs.  The best way to ensure you meet the standards for vitamins and minerals is to eat healthy foods (especially fruits, vegetables and whole grains).  Combined with a healthy lifestyle, including exercise and not smoking, a healthy diet should help you meet all nutritional requirements.

What you need to know about ginkgo biloba

What you need to know about ginkgo biloba

According to the National Institute of Health, Americans spend more than $33 billion dollars on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) annually, accounting for more than 10 percent of out-of-pocket purchases.  CAM is comprised of a diverse set of treatments and supplements, such as vitamins, chiropractors, acupuncture and herbal therapies. 

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