Why You Have No Energy

Why You Have No Energy

Energy is defined as: en·er·gy (noun):  the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. We rely on energy to get through the day, the week, the year.  We know that losing out on sleep can leave you drained, but sleep deprivation is only one of a long list of possible reasons behind feeling exhausted. We rely on energy to get through the day, the week, the year. We know that losing out on sleep can leave us feeling drained, but sleep deprivation is only one of a long list of possible reasons behind feeling exhausted.

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Get More Energy Today: 5 Ways

Get More Energy Today: 5 Ways

Energy is defined as: en·er·gy (noun):  the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. We rely on energy to get through the day, the week, the year.  We know that losing out on sleep can leave you drained, but sleep deprivation is only one of a long list of possible reasons behind feeling exhausted.

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5 habits that are draining your energy

5 habits that are draining your energy

We rely on energy to get through the day, the week, the year.

We know that losing out on sleep can leave us feeling drained, but sleep deprivation is only one of a long list of possible reasons behind feeling exhausted.

The following are some of the typical pitfalls which will cause chronic fatigue:

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More Americans using acupuncture for common ailments

More Americans using acupuncture for common ailments

A new survey demonstrates increasing acceptance and utilization of acupuncture for treatment and health promotion. The analysis was published in the journalEvidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine and looked at utilization rates, demographics and reasons for using acupuncture. 

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