10 Secrets For Better Sleep

According to the National Sleep Foundation, the average adult needs about 7 to 9 hours of sleep at night in order to function and feel good throughout the day. Admit it, there's some night's you don't even get close to that. It happens to all of us but there are health issues that can arise from continually not sleeping. Whether sleep deprivation comes from job related stress, long work hours, or just trying to keep up with busy social schedules, sleep aids like Lunesta have become popular.  As with any prescription drug, many people cling to the easy fix of a pill.  Interestingly, this may no longer be an option for many seeking sleep aids as FDA guidelines change and become stricter.  Those seeking prescription sleep medications will be getting lower doses or natural alternatives (such as melatonin supplements).  For this reason, everyone should know why getting enough sleep is important and how they can practice good sleep hygiene.    

So what happens when we don’t get enough sleep? The effects are similar to being intoxicated.  Trying to go through your day deprived of sleep will leave you feeling tired, irritable and foggy.  This is no way to stay productive or healthy.  Some less well known effects of sleep deprivation are an increased risk of heart disease, a decreased ability to remember, an increased risk of diabetes, and an increased risk of depression.  Furthermore when you don’t get enough sleep, you increase your risk of weight gain and obesity.  Sleep is required for your body to process glucose properly and regulate insulin as it should.

Sleep is crucial to maintaining strong minds and bodies, as it is the time when our bodies repair and reset themselves.  Depriving yourself of this is similar to driving your car on empty.  It is only a matter of time until something breaks down.  Your body, just like a machine, needs time for repair and maintenance.  

While it's important to get enough sleep, if you need to choose between better sleep and more sleep – choose better sleep.  If you are going to spend your nights tossing and turning, you will wake up feeling as if you never slept at all.  

The general guideline for sleep is eight hours, however everyone is different and requires a different amount of sleep to be their most productive self.  Find your ideal amount of sleep and work on the quality of that time to feel more rested and rejuvenated.  You can get better quality sleep by creating a good sleep routine and getting your body and mind ready for a restful night’s sleep.

10 Secrets For Better Sleep

  1. Stick to a sleep schedule
    • Set an alarm to go to bed and wake up
    • Wake up and go to bed at the same time each day
  2. Limit technology 1-2 hours before bed
  3. Cut caffeine by 2pm
  4. Control what you eat and drink before bed
  5. Have a relaxing bedtime routine
  6. Keep your room dark
  7. Design your bedroom to make you feel calm. 
    • The National Sleep Foundation has a great infographic to help with this.
  8. Check your room temperature
  9. Exercise 4 hours before bedtime
  10. Try deep breathing right before bed to calm your mind and alleviate stress