Testing Your Testosterone

Testing Your Testosterone

Without wading too deeply into philosophy and gender studies, it's your testosterone that makes you man. That's the main sex hormone, produced predominantly by your testicles, and progenitor of the characteristics most would describe as “manly.”

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Testosterone and Your Impulses

Testosterone and Your Impulses

It's a time-worn trope of TV and film: the macho, impulsive Man of Action who shoots first, asks questions later and lets the chips fall where they may. It turns out that there may be some science to go along with all that shooting-from-the-hip in the movies.

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What are undescended testicles

What are undescended testicles

Undescended testicles also known as cryptorchidism, is when a testicle fails to drop into the normal place in the scrotum.  As a baby boy develops inside his mother’s womb, the testicles begin forming in the lower abdomen.  About eight weeks before birth, the testicles will move down into the scrotum or the sac that hangs below the penis.

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