Treat BPH to reduce nighttime bathroom trips

Treat BPH to reduce nighttime bathroom trips

As men get older, many changes can occur one of which is their risk for developing an enlarged prostate gland. This condition is known as BPH which affects about half of men between the ages of 51 and 60 and up to 90 percent of men over the age of 80. 

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The truth about men’s health

The truth about men’s health

Men are often thought of as the stronger sex.  But are they really?  When figures and statistics on men’s overall health and well-being are crunched, the reality looks radically different. 

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7 habits of healthy men

7 habits of healthy men

Men live on average about five years less than a woman.  There are a multitude of factors affecting this ranging from being higher risk-takers to working physically taxing jobs putting a lot strain on their bodies. 

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