How men can live well with BPH

How men can live well with BPH

However, since the symptoms of BPH occur gradually, men often change their daily routine to accommodate their symptoms instead of finding ways to live their life without interruptions.  Here are some suggestions for men on ways to help minimize the impact BPH on their life:

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Treat BPH to reduce nighttime bathroom trips

Treat BPH to reduce nighttime bathroom trips

As men get older, many changes can occur one of which is their risk for developing an enlarged prostate gland. This condition is known as BPH which affects about half of men between the ages of 51 and 60 and up to 90 percent of men over the age of 80. 

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The connection between impotence and heart disease

The connection between impotence and heart disease

Men who have been given a clean bill of health, beware – if you are experiencing trouble in getting or keeping an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse, this may be signaling issues with heart disease.

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What is anorgasmia and how does it affect men?

What is anorgasmia and how does it affect men?

One of the sexual problems at the top of a man’s list is usually erectile dysfunction (ED).  From TV commercials, magazine ads and even doctors inquiring of men if they are able to achieve an erection, has made ED a household name.  Considering around 20 to 30 million men suffer from ED, makes that understandable. 

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The truth about men’s health

The truth about men’s health

Men are often thought of as the stronger sex.  But are they really?  When figures and statistics on men’s overall health and well-being are crunched, the reality looks radically different. 

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Testosterone and Your Impulses

Testosterone and Your Impulses

It's a time-worn trope of TV and film: the macho, impulsive Man of Action who shoots first, asks questions later and lets the chips fall where they may. It turns out that there may be some science to go along with all that shooting-from-the-hip in the movies.

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Men: Don't Ignore These Health Threats

Men: Don't Ignore These Health Threats

As men age, this disregard spills over into the way they treat their health.  Healthcare for men tends to be reactive rather than proactive.  This means, unless something is broken, or chronically hurting, there is no reason to visit the doctor.  We are here to tell men to get it together, and get proactive.  It’s time to take charge of your health. More men suffer and die from chronic illnesses than women. They’re 1.3 times more likely to have cancer than women and 2 times more likely to die from liver disease. The evidence is clear and the risk is high; men need to be more attentive to their health. In prostate cancer alone, there are 233,000 new cases in the U.S. every year and 1 out of 7 men are diagnosed. Due to these hard facts, getting an annual PSA screening is essential.

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Are you taking meds that cause ED?

Are you taking meds that cause ED?

Did you know that about 25 percent of all erectile dysfunction cases are caused by some type of medication side effect? This is one of a few reasons why erectile dysfunction (ED) is more common among men as they get older. 

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