7 things men do harming their fertility

7 things men do harming their fertility

Many men may unknowingly be doing certain things harming their ability to create new life.  And the good news is, most of these common practices men do, can be corrected helping to increase their fertility and in becoming a dad. 

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Varicoceles in boys and men

Varicoceles in boys and men

Varicoceles are veins that become enlarged inside the scrotum of men – comparable to developing a varicose vein in a leg.  The scrotum is a sac that holds the testicles and is part of the male reproductive system that makes, stores, and moves sperm.  The testicles make sperm and the hormone testosterone.  Sperm that are in the process of maturing will move through the epididymis, a coiled tube behind each testicle.

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12 ways men can boost fertility

12   ways men can boost fertility

Eat pomegranate. This may be even better than testosterone because they’re a natural aromatase inhibitor, which prevents testosterone from being converted into estrogen.

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Boxers vs. Briefs

Boxers vs. Briefs

As a men's health expert, Dr. Samadi evaluates the age-old question: Boxers vs.  Briefs?

As the holidays begin to come to an end, many men are left with boxes of unworn gifts and festive underwear cluttering the annals of their closets. With all this new underwear lying around, we are reminded of the ongoing debate of which is better – boxers or briefs?

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