Reasons for breast enlargement in men

There can be several conditions blocking the effect of testosterone or increasing the level of estrogen.  Here are situations that can result in upsetting the hormonal balance causing gynecomastia in men:

At birth, newborn babies sometimes have short-term gynecomastia due to some of their mother’s estrogen that stays in their blood for a while after delivery.  Over half of male infants are born with enlarged breasts because of the effects of their mother’s estrogen.  Within two to three weeks after birth the swollen breast tissue should go away.

Puberty is another phase of a male’s life where gynecomastia is relatively common.  This is due to hormone changes and in most cases the enlarged breast tissue will resolve itself within six months to two years.

The third phase of when gynecomastia may appear in a man’s life is between the ages of 50 and 69.  Around 1 in 4 men in this age group will be affected by it.  The reason for gynecomastia during this time is usually due to aging which also shifts hormone levels or can be caused by certain medications a man may be taking.


There are several medications that can cause gynecomastia which include the following:

Anabolic steroids and androgens

Anti-anxiety medications such as Valium


Tricyclic antidepressants

Cancer treatment – chemotherapy

Heart medications such as digoxin and calcium channel blockers

Ulcer medications such as Tagamet HB


Street drugs and alcohol are other factors contributing to the development of gynecomastia:






Health conditions can be another cause of breast enlargement in men. Some of these conditions can affect the normal balance of hormones which include hypogonadism, aging, tumors, hyperthyroidism, kidney failure, liver failure and cirrhosis, and malnutrition and starvation.

Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis of gynecomastia will be done by the doctor physically examining the breast tissue, abdomen and genitals.  To determine the cause of the condition, initial tests may include blood tests to check hormone levels.  Depending on test results, there could be additional tests done to find the cause of gynecomastia.

The treatment of gynecomastia is usually individualized depending on the circumstances of the cause.  Most of the time, enlarged breasts will reduce over time without treatment.  If the cause is due to certain medications, then the doctor will either recommend to stop the drug or substitute it with another.

Other ways gynecomastia may be treated could be with prescription medications or if the breast enlargement is particularly bothersome and is not going away, surgery is another option.  A surgical procedure such as liposuction can remove breast fat but not the breast gland itself.  A mastectomy is a surgery that can remove the breast gland tissue.