Enhancing the health of your sperm

A man’s sperm are pretty amazing little creatures.  In a single ejaculation, 50 million sperm are released from a man’s body but only around 200 will get the opportunity to actually vie for the chance to fertilize the ovum or mature egg from the woman’s body. 

Roughly 30 percent of couples will have difficulties with infertility with the cause related back to a man’s health.  When a couple is trying to conceive, a lot of emphasis is placed on the health of the mother.  But just as much attention should also be paid to the health of a man’s sperm.  Even though there is still a lot to learn about male fertility, what is known is that the things that make sperm healthy are the same things that are healthy for a man to begin with.

Here are things every man can do to boost the health of his sperm along with his fertility increasing the changes of conceiving a baby:

·         Avoid tight jeans, underwear, synthetic material and heat

It’s time to throw out the tight jeans, briefs and invest in some boxers and looser jeans!  The reason why the testicles are encased in the scrotum outside of a man’s body is to protect them from becoming overheated.  They will function much better at a slightly cooler temperature than the core body temperature. 

·         Stay out of hot tubs and saunas

Maybe on occasion you can partake lounging in a hot tub or sauna but if done frequently, the heat can lower sperm count as sperm don’t like it hot.

·         Limit alcohol intake

When trying to improve fertility, limiting alcohol intake is advised to no more than two drinks a day.  Consuming more than this can damage sperm production by increasing estrogen produced by the liver.  Another factor is that alcohol can also destroy the sperm-producing cells of the testicles.

·         Be aware of medication side effects on sperm count

Any man who is using steroids, cytotoxic drugs used in cancer treatment, or opiates should consult with his doctor as they may be affecting his fertility. 

·         Stay away from junk food

Eating a steady diet of processed, packaged or fast foods can lead to inflammation in the body negatively affecting fertility.  Instead load up on plenty of fruits and vegetables and other healthy whole foods while cutting way back on sugar and salt. 

·         Workout regularly

Exercise raises the level of the hormone testosterone that helps to make sperm.  But don’t overdo it.  Excessive exercise or overtraining can reduce nutrient stores and stored hormones.  Be leery of working out using a bicycle as that can put excessive pressure on the testicles that could result in infertility.

·         Eat more nuts and seeds

What helps to improve sperm count is a diet rich in the minerals selenium, zinc, and copper – the perfect foods containing these nutrients are almonds, Brazil nuts, and walnuts along with other nuts and seeds.  A study in the journal Biology of Reproduction found that men who ate 2.5 ounces of walnuts a day improved their sperm vitality, motility, and morphology.  Other good food choices include ancient grains like millet, amaranth, and quinoa.

·         Give up smoking

It’s not just cigarettes that can hurt sperm – marijuana can also cause oxidative stress doing damage to male reproductive cells.  In fact a study in the journal Human Reproduction found that smoking marijuana can change the size and shape of sperm as well.