Sugar Eats Up Important Nutrients

Sugar Eats Up Important Nutrients

We have some word to do when it comes to ending the seemingly never-ending cycle of sugar cravings as well as nutrient deficiency. The average American consumes approximately one third of a pound of sugar each day, translating into nearly 130 pounds of sugar per person every year. As a nation sugar usage exceeds 9 million tons a year. But what are the results of us consuming all this sugar? Well, believe it or not, sugar eats up many of the nutrients we get from the healthy food we're consuming. Here's why. 

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Your best ally in helping you reduce sugar

Your best ally in helping you reduce sugar

Your best friend and ally in helping you reduce sugar intake has always been at your fingertips - the Nutrition Facts panel. Hopefully soon, with one small change, this trusted source of nutrition information will help you even further in slashing sugar to a more reasonable amount.  The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is proposing that the nutrition facts label on packaged foods include the percent daily value (DV) for added sugars.  Maybe it doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it is and it’s been long overdue.

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