Do You Have A Drinking Problem
/Most people think they have a handle on controlling their consumption of alcoholic beverages yet alcohol related problems are among the most significant public health issues in the United States.
Read MoreMost people think they have a handle on controlling their consumption of alcoholic beverages yet alcohol related problems are among the most significant public health issues in the United States.
Read MoreHere are some common cancer myths that have circulated over the years and the real truth behind them:
Read MoreThose burning, itching, sandpaper-y feelings are not just uncomfortable, they may may be an indication that your eyesight is suffering.
Read MoreSeparating truth from fiction just may be the lifesaving information you will need of someday beating your odds of developing heart disease and instead keeping your heart beating into old age.
Read MoreIn the United States, cancer ranks second only to heart disease as the leading cause of death and disability.
Read MoreChances are you or someone you know has had a kidney stone at some point in their life; they are very common, affecting approximately one in ten people throughout their lifetime.
Read MoreYou’ve been told you have high blood pressure and now your doctor wants to start you on medication to treat it. The trouble is you’d rather not have to take any medication.
Read MoreNew Year’s Eve is just around the corner and everyone loves to bring in the New Year with a traditional toast. At the end of this year, tip your glass to choosing an alcoholic beverage that is still tasty yet not loaded with excess calories.
Read More“Morning People” actually work faster than “Night People” at night, but make more mistakes. That's the takeaway from a recent study out of Oxford University.
Read MoreVitamin D is unique amongst vitamins. It is the only one that requires sufficient sunlight in order to be synthesized or made within our body.
Read MoreNeuropathy, also known as peripheral neuropathy, is a condition that occurs when the peripheral nerves become damaged or is disrupted as is often the case in individuals with type 2 diabetes.
Read MoreUnfortunately practically all of us know of someone – friend, relative or acquaintance - with Alzheimer’s disease.
Read MoreIn light of Hillary Clinton’s recent diagnosis of pneumonia, many people are wondering what exactly is this condition and how seriously should it be taken?
Read MoreThose suffering from osteoarthritis (OA) in the knees may mistakenly believe they should avoid walking due to the pain felt in that area.
Read MoreThe disease affects the mesothelium, that thin layer of tissue that covers the majority of your internal organs. Doctors will classify the disease according to what part of the mesothelium is affected.
Read MoreAsymptomatic CAD, or coronary artery disease can be thought of as the preliminary stage of coronary artery disease where plaque starts to build up in the heart’s major blood vessels.
Read MoreDid you know that 7.5 million Americans suffer from psoriasis? Psoriasis is a chronic non-contagious multisystem, inflammatory disorder. It is known for its symptoms that typically include painful, itchy rashes that tend to be red and scaly.
Read MoreLynch syndrome is an inherited disorder that increase your risk for many cancer, especially colon cancer. Because of its strong associated with colon cancer, it is often called hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, or HNPCC.
Read MoreShingles is characterized by painful vesicular rash, featuring small blisters on the skin. This rash is usually restricted to a horizontal band around the torso.
Read MoreHematuria refers to the presence of blood in the urine. Two types of blood can exist in the urine, visible or invisible blood. Blood which can be seen in the urine is referred to as gross hematuria, while blood which can only be seen with a microscope is called microscopic hematuria. In hematuria, one or various parts of your urinary tract, which includes the kidneys, urethra and bladder, allow blood cells to leak into urine. While this symptom is not necessarily something to worry about, in some cases it does point to more serious conditions. Hematuria can have symptoms like pain, blood clots, red tinged urine, or you could be asymptomatic. Because the causes of hematuria vary so greatly, paying close attention to symptoms if they arise is key.
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