7 Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal

7 Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal

When people start the process to quit smoking, nicotine withdrawal can quickly begin. This side effect can quickly trigger a host of physical and mental symptoms that leave ex-smokers on the brink of going back to smoking to avoid them. Ex-smokers can feel both physically ill and mentally stressed as well as anxious. Most people will experience some discomfort commonly associated with nicotine withdrawal. Here are 7 common signs of nicotine withdrawal.

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Understanding Pleural Effusion

Understanding Pleural Effusion

A pleural effusion is caused by fluid leaking into the pleural space.  This is the space between two membranes or layers around the lungs within the chest cavity.   To function normally, this space contains a small amount of fluid which prevents friction and help to ensure smooth movement and expansion of the lungs within the chest.  Unfortunately, under certain circumstances, abnormal amounts of fluid can find themselves in the pleural space and cause expansion of the space, crowding the lungs and causing the symptoms we mentioned earlier. 

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What is Bronchiolitis?

What is Bronchiolitis?

Bronchiolitis is a common lung infection in children, responsible for putting about 90,000 American children in the hospital each year. This common respiratory tract infection can be caused by several different viruses, and affects the bronchioles, the tiny airways in that lead to the lungs in particular.  As the infection takes hold, these bronchioles become inflamed, or swell up, and fill with mucus.  

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