Treating Autoimmune Disease

An autoimmune disease is a disease that comes from an abnormal immune response, essentially causing the body to mistakenly attack itself.  This may be restricted to certain organs or involve a particular tissue in different places.  When your immune system is not working the way it should, as in the case of autoimmune disease, it starts attacking the wrong target, your own body and organs.

There are many autoimmune diseases, all with their own specific pathways and symptoms.  Some examples of autoimmune diseases are Celiac disease, thyroiditis, fibromyalgia, Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.  The cause behind these may be bacterial or viral, perhaps caused by our environment, or possibly even toxins in the food we consume. Immunosuppressants, medications that decreases the immune response, are typically the treatment for autoimmune diseases.

Current Treatment Methods

In the past, steroids were used to mitigate and treat symptoms of autoimmune disorders.  Steroids will reduce the amount of inflammation in the body. However, this is only temporary fix.  Steroids will take care of the symptoms associated with autoimmune disorders, but not the disease itself. Newer therapies using your own immune system to fight off any immune deficiencies are currently in development.  One example is novel treatment for Multiple Sclerosis which is still currently in the works.  The process involves pulling out your T-cells (immune cells), radiating them, cleaning them and re-injecting them back in your body to fight off those infected antibodies. This treatment is still not readily available but provides hope that a more permanent solution exists aside from steroids.

In the meantime, is it possible to treat these disorders from the inside out, rather than looking for steroids or some type of medication to treat the symptoms?  Making changes to what we put in our body and the food we consume could be a better answer for those suffering from autoimmune disease. Sticking to healthy vegetables and fruits is key, and simple things like adding Turmeric to your diet can help reduce inflammation. Switching to olive oil and getting the right amount of Vitamin D has also been shown to reduce the symptoms and lessen the likelihood of development of autoimmune disease.

A life style change can help decrease the possibility of you getting an auto-immune disease or to help minimize your symptoms. Take small steps get used to one change before moving to the next one. Keeping this in mind will give you a healthier lifestyle that will lead to a healthier you.