3 simple ways to prevent prostate problems

3 simple ways to prevent prostate problems

Men are well aware of other men who have had issues with their prostate.  The prostate condition may have been relatively easy to fix or a more serious issue requiring frequent follow-ups.  Most men however, would rather not deal with any prostate issue, small or large and would instead keep their prostate has healthy as possible. 

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How to know if your prostate cancer has spread

How to know if your prostate cancer has spread

No man or his loved ones like to think of the possibility of his prostate cancer spreading beyond this gland.  But, prostate cancer, like all cancers, has the potential to spread or metastasize to other parts of the body. 

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Factors To Consider When Deciding On Treatment For Prostate Cancer

Factors To Consider When Deciding On Treatment For Prostate Cancer

One major factor to consider is how large the tumor is, and how far it has spread outside the prostate. Tumors are assigned a stage from 1 to 4 based on the size of the cancer or the volume of the cancer, and treatment options will vary depending on the stage.

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