Younger men who chose surgery vs radiation for high-risk PCA survive longer

Younger men who chose surgery vs radiation for high-risk PCA survive longer

A recent study presented at the 2017 American Society of Clinical Oncology annual meeting in Chicago found men with high-risk prostate cancer younger than the age of 60 who had as their initial treatment a radical prostatectomy (RP) instead of radiation (RT) had a significant 48% improvement in overall survival with RP at a median follow-up of 50 months. 

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New Hope for Advanced Prostate Cancer

New Hope for Advanced Prostate Cancer

A study has proclaimed that the new drug, abiraterone, lowers patients' risk of death by nearly 40 percent when added to standard androgen deprivation therapy (ADT). It also appears to more than double the average time it takes for prostate cancer to progress.

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4 self-help tips for men dealing with an enlarged prostate

4 self-help tips for men dealing with an enlarged prostate

Over the course of a man’s lifetime, there is a good chance he may have to deal with symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate.  Beginning at around age 25, the prostate can begin to enlarge.  This natural progression has a name – benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH – and is considered the most common cause of prostate enlargement.  BPH is not the same thing as prostate cancer but rather is a benign or noncancerous condition that does not lead to cancer, even though the two conditions can coexist.

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