Understanding Prostatitis
/Most men are familiar with prostate cancer and an enlarged prostate gland also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia. But a lesser known and less talked about problem that affects up to one in six men during sometime of their life is called prostatitis.
Read MoreAvoid these before a PSA test
/When a man schedules a prostate specific antigen test (PSA), there are certain activities he needs to avoid right before the test that can affect the results.
Read MoreNew Drugs Target Prostate Cancer
/Men with aggressive prostate cancer that has stopped responding to conventional treatment could benefit from a new class of cancer drug designed to overcome drug resistance, a new study suggests.
Read MoreWhy Baseline PSA Screening Should Begin At 40
/A recent research letter published in JAMA Oncology stated diagnoses of localized prostate cancer has decreased by 20%.
Read MoreProstates and Probiotics
/Taking probiotics offers a number of benefits for those undergoing radiation therapy for prostate and other pelvic cancers:
Read MoreNew 10-minute saliva test to detect cancer
/The new 10-minute saliva test uses a technique called liquid biopsy. It works by detecting tumor DNA when it is circulating in the body fluids.
Read MoreAfrican-American men at higher risk for prostate cancer
/African-American men have the highest risk of developing prostate cancer, compared all other races.
Read MoreWhat Bret " The Hitman" Hart's Battles Against Prostate Cancer Can Teach all of US
/Tens of thousands of additional men suffer from the burden of painful metastatic prostate cancer, which can lead to bone fractures, the inability to urinate, spinal cord compression and renal failure.
Read MoreBret “The Hitman” Hart Battles Prostate Cancer
/A survivor at heart, Bret Hart has announced his diagnosis and fight against prostate cancer today.
Read MoreDoes obesity increase your risk of prostate cancer?
/Obesity, the condition of being considerably overweight, has been shown to be linked to the development of certain cancers.
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