Weapon Against Prostate Cancer

Weapon Against Prostate Cancer

PET stands for positron emission tomography. It’s usually combined at the same time with CT (computerized tomography) to improve the quality of the images and help localize abnormalities. 

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Hormone therapy for prostate cancer may increase Alzheimer’s risk

Hormone therapy for prostate cancer may increase Alzheimer’s risk

According to the lead author of the study, Dr. Kevin Nead of the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, "In this study, we did find that men who received hormone therapy had about an 88 percent increased risk of Alzheimer's disease.”

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Research in Canada: The 'Google Map of Cancer Cells' Could Help Fight Prostate Cancer Tumors

Research in Canada: The 'Google Map of Cancer Cells' Could Help Fight Prostate Cancer Tumors

Prostate cancer research currently underway at the University of Saskatchewan is being considered a world first and if successful could help save the lives of thousands of men.Researchers in Canada are working to find how they can block that pathways that actually drive tumor growth. Their research is rooted in understanding how prostate cancer tumors develop and progress. 

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