Boxers vs. Briefs

Boxers vs. Briefs

As a men's health expert, Dr. Samadi evaluates the age-old question: Boxers vs.  Briefs?

As the holidays begin to come to an end, many men are left with boxes of unworn gifts and festive underwear cluttering the annals of their closets. With all this new underwear lying around, we are reminded of the ongoing debate of which is better – boxers or briefs?

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Is Your Testosterone Level Low?

Is Your Testosterone Level Low?

Low Testosterone: Male hypogonadism can be congenital or can develop later in life.  Your symptoms and treatment options will depend on at what point your hypogonadism occurs.  For example, hypogonadism during puberty can decrease muscle mass development, impair deepening of the voice or impair body hair and penis/testicle growth.  

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