New Year’s is quickly approaching

·       This means New Year resolutions that are made and quickly abandoned

·       Estimated that only 8% of Americans successfully achieve their New Year resolutions

·       Make sure this year is different

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Americans spend the most on healthcare, but have the lowest life expectancies

Americans spend the most on healthcare, but have the lowest life expectancies

Did you know that Americans are spending more on healthcare than any other industrialized nation? While this may not be a surprise to all people, what is a surprise is that simultaneously Americans also have one of the lowest life expectancies.

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Poverty May Increase Odds of Repeat Hospitalizations

Poverty May Increase Odds of Repeat Hospitalizations

A new study suggests that when patients are hospitalized more than once in the same month. It may have more to do with their income or education levels than the quality of care they received.
According to the analysis of data from Medicare, patients 85 and older are more likely to return to the hospital within 30 days of being sent home than people a decade or two younger.
Patients also have higher odds of returning soon after discharge if they lack a high school diploma, have limited income and assets or have health benefits from Medicaid.

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Obamacare May Lower Quality of Care

Obamacare May Lower Quality of Care

Obamacare has been debated since it launched. Doctors, patients and other healthcare providers are confused and its been challenged to the point where it's in the Supreme Court in its second case. What do the experts say? Read on.

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Over Prescription of Antibiotics

Over Prescription of Antibiotics

Over prescription of antibiotics for sore throats and mild respiratory infections has been a continuous issue in the healthcare community. It continued even after the CDC declared antibiotic resistance as a serious health threat in September and consistent news headlines each week and month thereafter.

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