What you need to know about Mers

What you need to know about Mers

MERS or (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome) is caused by a caronavirus which is the same family of viruses that cause the common cold. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, MERS tends to spread due to having close contact with an ill person.

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Underinsurance Equals Less Prevention for Common Diseases

Underinsurance Equals Less Prevention for Common Diseases

Some might say we've come a long way when it comes to health insurance. Almost 84% of the American population has coverage, still leaving 17% without. But issues for those who have coverage is still a huge problem. New findings from the Commonwealth Fund, a private foundation that studies health care, are shining a light on the realities of underinsurance. 

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FDA warns about new class of diabetes drugs

FDA warns about new class of diabetes drugs

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a warning on Friday that a widely used new class of type 2 diabetes drugs may cause high levels of blood acids dangerous enough to put people in the emergency room. 

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