American Heart Month
Colon Cancer Awareness
Colon cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women. Discover prevention tips, the truth about a colonoscopy, and alternative methods to testing.
Kidney Health Awareness
Kidney stones are a relatively common occurrence, especially in the United States. They affect approximately one in ten people throughout their lifetime, and the incidence of kidney stones has actually increased over the past few decades.
Skin Cancer Awareness
As the days get longer and the weather warmer that means one thing - more time spent outside in the sun. Already many of us are venturing outdoors enjoying the warm spring days but there is one thing we must always do before we head outside – put on our sunscreen. We’ve always known sunscreen use of SPF 30 or higher prevent sunburns but now researchers have proved it can also prevent melanoma, the most common form of cancer in the United States.
1. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, and more common than you think.
About 3.5 million cases of basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell skin cancer are diagnosed in the U.S. each year. It is estimated that in 2015, melanoma (a more severe type of skin cancer) will account for more than 73,000 cases of skin cancer. Each year there are more new cases of skin cancer than breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer combined.
When former president Jimmy Carter was recently diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer, it was a reminder for all of us that taking care of the largest organ in our body, our skin, should not be overlooked. What also should not be overlooked is what we eat. Nutrition may have the potential to influence whether we develop skin cancer and might be one step out of many that can protect us from having to face this disease. Before we learn about nutrition’s possible role, let’s review more facts about this prevalent cancer.
Testicular Cancer Awareness
The exact cause of most testicular cancers is not known, but there are definite links to other conditions which will increase a man’s risk of developing the cancer. Currently, researchers are searching for which genes are responsible for testicular cancer. By identifying the genes responsible, more targeted therapies can be developed to fight the testicular cancer cells.
April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month. In honor of the late Sean Kimerling, the Emmy Award-winning anchor of WB 11 sports and pre-game announcer for the Mets, who passed away from testicular cancer on September 9, 2003 at age 37, we want to stress to men the importance of screening and understanding their risk factors early on.
If you've been diagnosed with testicular cancer, you have many treatment options available. It's important know this cancer is 90-95% curable if caught early. Here's your options.
Heart health is achievable. If you make small changes every day, you will have long term health when it comes to your heart.