Leveling Up: Can Video Games Be Good for Kids?

Leveling Up: Can Video Games Be Good for Kids?

Video games have taken a lot of heat from armchair psychologists and parents in the past. But when you examine the actual research filed, it turns out that the release of the latest Tom Clancy first person shooter might not signal the collapse of civilization after all.

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Diagnosing STDs, through an app?

Diagnosing STDs, through an app?

Planned Parenthood is launching an app that helps patients diagnose STD’s without actually having to go in to see the doctor face-to-face.  This will save people the awkward sex and STD conversation with their doctor, and maybe even make them more willing to get checked for potential infections.  Havin

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New technology identifies brain tumor types

New technology identifies brain tumor types

cientists at Cedars-Sinai have developed a new nanotechnology that can identify brain tumor types using MRI virtual biopsy. The new technology is a drug-delivery system that can identify different types of brain tumor cells using virtual biopsies which attack the molecular structure of the cancer. It has only been tested in animal studies so far. 

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Latest Digital Health Innovations

Latest Digital Health Innovations

The role of technology is growing more and more across healthcare. We've seen digital health completely transform specific areas of medicine, empowering doctors, nurses and other healthcare providers to better tack, manage patient information and improve healthcare delivery, improve access, reduce costs and increase quality. 

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3D Printed Body Parts: The Next Revolution in Healthcare?

3D Printed Body Parts: The Next Revolution in Healthcare?

The age of bio-printing is here. Biomedical engineering is taking healthcare by storm and giving doctors insight into a whole new world of treatment. 3D printed body parts in particular are intriguing, when it comes to both surgery, replacing cancerous organs, treating those with amputations and beyond. 

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Twitter and Big Data Could Predict Emergency Room Rush Hours

Twitter and Big Data Could Predict Emergency Room Rush Hours

25 million Americans have asthma and 2 million asthma-related emergency room visits occur in the US each year. Hospitals face the challenge of being able to predict how many people with various chronic conditions will show up on different days but now a new study uses Twitter to gauge. We explore.

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Heavy Facebook Use May Lead to Depression

Heavy Facebook Use May Lead to Depression

There are 1.4 billion monthly active users on Facebook. On average, a person spends 20 minutes a day on Facebook. Too much time? Many experts continue to debate tech overuse and it's effect on our health. To further the debate, now a study has been released showing a link between depression and Facebook overuse.  

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