New blood test could detect breast cancer recurrence

New blood test could detect breast cancer recurrence

Researchers from London say they have found a new blood test that can detect breast cancer DNA months before it would show up on medical scans. The blood test is not yet available because it is still in the early stages of research. However, the research looks quite promising.

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Understanding Head and Neck Cancer

Understanding Head and Neck Cancer

Head and neck cancers are those cancers which affect the head and neck, and typically develop in the squamous cells that line the inside of the throat, mouth and nose.   Because of where they begin, these types of cancers can be referred to as squamous cell carcinomas.  Within this group of cancers, each case is categorized by the area of the neck or head that the cancer originated.  For example, if the cancer originates in the throat it is considered throat cancer, if it originates in the nasal cavity it is considered nasal cavity cancer, and so on. 

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Warning Signs of Lung Cancer

Warning Signs of Lung Cancer

As with all cancers, if diagnosed early lung cancer can be more effectively treated and cured.  Yearly, lung cancer kills almost 1.5 million people – but with early diagnosis there is a 50% higher chance of survival over those who are not diagnosed until the disease has spread, or metastasized, beyond the lungs. 

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Top 10 Most Common Cancers in America

Top 10 Most Common Cancers in America

In 2012, a significant report was released from the American Cancer Society which showed that major strides are being made in the right against cancer in the United States. An estimated 12 million people in the United States have cancer, with 2015 projections being an estimated 1.7 million people. 

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The ABC's of Skin Cancer

The ABC's of Skin Cancer

Overall there are three different types of skin cancer:  Basal cell carcinoma (BCC), Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and Melanoma.  BCC is the most common form of skin cancer and usually occurs on parts of your body that see the sun most, like your face and neck.

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Bladder Cancer Basics: What You Should Know

Bladder Cancer Basics: What You Should Know

Try as you might, you cannot ignore the symptoms of an irritated bladder. The frequent urge to go, burning while urinating, pain while urinating, pelvic pain, back pain, and especially blood in the urine can all be signs that something’s not right. 

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