How to minimize your risk of skin cancer

How to minimize your risk of skin cancer

As the days get longer and the weather warmer that means one thing - more time spent outside in the sun.  Already many of us are venturing outdoors enjoying the warm spring days but there is one thing we must always do before we head outside – put on our sunscreen.  We’ve always known sunscreen use of SPF 30 or higher prevent sunburns but now researchers have proved it can also prevent melanoma, the most common form of cancer in the United States.

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Jimmy Carter’s Diagnosis: What the News of Stage 4 Melanoma Means

Jimmy Carter’s Diagnosis: What the News of Stage 4 Melanoma Means

News broke late last week that former President Jimmy Carter has been diagnosed with Melanoma, first on his liver, and now 4 spots on his brain have been identified by doctors. Many people are unaware that Melanoma can actually occur internally, not just on the skin. The former President announced he will be undergoing radiation treatments targeted at the spots on his brain. The scary thing is doctors are unsure where the cancer has originated and many wonder about the likelihood of pancreatic cancer due to his aggressive family history of the disease. 

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Former President Jimmy Carter Announces Melanoma Diagnosis

Former President Jimmy Carter Announces Melanoma Diagnosis

Former President Jimmy Carter (90 years old) announced he has been diagnosed with cancer. Cancer is widespread, but not yet clear what kind of cancer he has. It was discovered after a procedure on his liver earlier this month. Carter announced on Aug. 3 that he had surgery to remove a small mass from his liver. "Recent liver surgery revealed that I have cancer that now is in other parts of my body," Carter said in the statement released by the Carter Center. "I will be rearranging my schedule as necessary so I can undergo treatment by physicians at Emory Healthcare."

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Melanoma: A Pathologist’s Perspective

Melanoma: A Pathologist’s Perspective

With summer upon us it is time to think about sun safety. An alarming recent report found rates of new melanoma have doubled over the past three decades. It is estimated that education and awareness of the dangers could prevent 20 percent of new cases between 2020 and 2030, according to the CDC report. Without prevention programs rates will continue to increase.

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