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Dealing with Vaginal Atrophy

Vaginal dryness can be hard on any sex life.   Not only can it be painful, but it can kill the female libido as well.  Some of the main causes of vaginal dryness include hormonal changes.  Of the most common causes of vaginal dryness is a decrease in estrogen levels during menopause, perimenopause, after childbirth, or during breastfeeding. Decreased levels of estrogen leads to thinning and inflammation of the labia typically called vaginal atrophy. By definition, vaginal atrophy, also known as atrophic vaginitis, is thinning, drying and inflammation of the vaginal walls due to your body having less than normal estrogen.

Symptoms of Vaginal Atrophy

·       Vaginal dryness

·       Vaginal burning

·       Vaginal discharge

·       Genital itching

·       Dysuria

·       Urinary urgency

·       Increased urinary tract infections

·       Urinary incontinence

·       Light bleeding after sex

·       Discomfort with sex

·       Decreased vaginal lubrication during sex and sexual activity

                              Medical therapies for underlying conditions like cancer, such as chemotherapy or radiation, can also affect hormone balance and increase vaginal atrophy.  We mentioned that hormonal changes are the most common cause of vaginal atrophy, which is why it is most common in women at menopause. But any condition that is linked to low estrogen levels can result in vaginal atrophy, and vaginal dryness.

Causes of low estrogen include:

·           Radiation therapy

·           childbirth and breastfeeding

·           removal of the ovaries

·           treatment of uterine fibroids or endometriosis with anti-estrogen medications

·           Autoimmune disorders such as Sjogren’s

·           Douching

·           Lack of foreplay before sexual intercourse 

                              One of the most common treatments for low estrogen is low dose topical estrogen therapy.  This method is preferred because it treats the condition without the disadvantage of systemic effects from higher doses of estrogen. Some of the treatment methods include a vaginal ring, tablets, or estrogen creams. The vaginal estrogen ring is a soft, flexible ring that is placed into the vagina. This ring releases a steady stream of estrogen directly to the vaginal tissues.  The vaginal estrogen tablet is a tablet that is inserted into your vagina once a day for the first two weeks of treatment which releases estrogen.  It is later inserted twice a week until it is no longer needed.  Vaginal estrogen cream involves an applicator and the insertion of the estrogen cream into the vagina. The frequency of use depends on the brand itself, and can vary from every day to once a week. 

                              Some of the risk factors that contribute to vaginal atrophy are such things like smoking, lack of sexual activity, or non-vaginal births. Smoking effects your blood circulation and can reduce the effect of estrogen within a woman’s body.   Sexual activity increases the blood flow to your genitals, promoting healthy tissues, that is why lack of sexual activity can increase the chances of vaginal atrophy.