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Get more Intimate with Foreplay and Oral Sex

Foreplay is it an important factor in sex and overall sexual health.  In male issues like erectile dysfunction and female sexual desire stemming from the brain, foreplay cannot be under appreciated. Foreplay is important in establishing intimacy, and creating desire within the relationship. Oral sex is one instance of foreplay where the giver has an opportunity to be generous and please their partner.  It can be an incredibly fun experience for the giver, and if you are having fun then your receiver probably is too.  Enthusiasm is the best quality in giving oral sex, as it is a real confidence boost to your partner.  Here are some tips for spicing up your oral sex:

Find Your Comfort Zone: When you are giving oral sex, nothing will kill the mood faster than fidgeting around and readjusting yourself constantly.  You want to find a position that feels good for you, this way you can put all your effort into pleasing your partner.  Generally it is easiest to position yourself between your partner’s legs. Change things up by trying to sit on the edge of the bed, taking things to the couch, or even try standing. By making small adjustments, or changing positions, each partner can either be more or less involved in the foreplay.

Focus on what counts: Certain parts of our nether areas are just more sensitive than others.  And even if oral sex is just part of the foreplay, focusing on the parts that are most sensitive are sure to get your partner ready for action.  For women, you can time focusing on his frenulum, which is the seam on the underside of his penis. For many men, this is the most sensitive area of the penis and a real turn on. For a woman, the clitoris should be the main focus as it contains the ultra-sensitive nerve endings that can get her to climax.

Oral sex isn’t synonymous with climax: Although some people use oral sex to take their partner to the grand finale, oral sex does not need to be more that light foreplay.  This means light touches, pressure, teasing and indirect stimulation might be enough to spice things up and create a build up for what’s to come.  Remember that all sexual encounters don’t need to be motivated by climax.  Just have fun.

Remember to change things up: Once you have revved up your partner and gotten a basic rhythm going, you can change your technique to accommodate your partner’s tastes.  Everyone likes different things, and this is the time to be generous and explore.  Try to pay attention to physical cues and body language to gauge what works best. If you don’t know what your partner likes best, ask them.  Even if you have a proven and tried method, there’s no harm is no harm in switching the location.  If you normally do foreplay in the bedroom, try a chair, the couch, or even the shower. Small changes can go a long way in turning on your partner.