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Fight the Post-Sex Blues

According to a new study published in the journal Sexual Medicine has reported that a whopping 46 percent of young women (of 200 surveyed) experience post-coital dysphoria, or the post-sex blues.  Post-coital dysphoria is the feeling of melancholy, anxiety, agitation or aggression after sex.  This post-sex sadness can last from five minutes up to two hours after sex, and for some brings on very strong feelings of depression and anxiety.

So why does this specific type of depression happen in almost half of young women?  When we have sex, we expect to be physically exhausted, relaxed and mentally at ease.  But for many, that’s clearly not the case.  Although there is little research as to why this happens, here is what scientist think might be going on.  Depression after consensual sexual activity can happen because something is missing or lacking from the relationship.  Sex is associated with love, caring, partnership among two people and physical desire.  If the right combination of all these things is not there then post-sex depression might ensue.  That means feeling depressed or regretful about the sexual experience you just had.  Some doctors have called it “buyer’s remorse” but for sex.  Having sex can also dredge up other unrelated issues within ones relationship and life.

One way to avoid these feelings is to choose the right partner who is understanding of your mental, physical and emotional needs. You should also be in tune with yourself and any body image of self-esteem issues you may have.  These are issues you may want to talk to a professional about before getting involved sexually with someone. Aside from this, what else can you do to fight this feeling of post-sex blues? If you are feeling depressed after sex but can figure out why, fight it with food!

Certain foods have been scientifically proven to reduce anxiety and boost you mood, so why not try them to see if they can reduce those unwanted post sex feelings.  Here are some of the top recommended foods to combat this feeling:

1.     Pumpkin seeds: Rich in the amino acid tryptophan which helps your brain produce serotonin (your feel good hormone)

2.     Apples: Rich in antioxidants and phytoestrogens, which have been found to increase sexual pleasure

3.     Green Tea: Catechins in green tea increase blood flow and boost the libido

4.     Red Wine: Boosts sex drive and promotes relaxation

5.     Red Meat: rich in iron that can help fight fatigue, making sex more fun

6.     Spinach: rich in magnesium, that decreased inflammation in blood vessels and increases blood flow throughout the body

7.     Dark Chocolate: increases mood-boosting serotonin hormone and lowers stress levels

8.     Red Bell Peppers: high in vitamin C and vitamin A, have been shown to increase sex drive and decrease depression

9.     Salmon: High in omega-3’s which fight inflammation and reduce risk of depression

10.  Black eyed Peas: rich in folate, which has been shown to reduce depression