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10 Health Benefits of Sex

Below are ten ways sex can help keep you healthy:

1. Counts as Exercise 

Sex is a muscular workout similar to regular exercise.  You are working your arms, butt, legs and core muscles, all while burning calories.

2. Important for heart health

According to one study, men who had sex at least twice a week, were 45% less likely to develop heart disease.  This was compared to those men who had sex much less frequently, once a month or less.

3. Boosts immune system

People having sex a few times a week were found to have higher levels of cold fighting antibodies than those who didn’t.  This study from Wilkes University in Pennsylvania, showed that more sexually active people had 3 times more of the antibody immunoglobin A, than those not having sex.

4. Brightens complexion

Sex increases blood circulation and oxygenation of the blood, brightening the skin temporarily.  On a long term note, orgasms trigger the release of endorphins and growth hormones that help heal damage caused by the lifestyle and environmental factors.

5. Stress relief

Sex triggers your body to release its natural feel-good chemicals, like endorphins, oxytocin, and serotonin, helping to relive stress.  Furthermore, people who were sexually active had lower blood pressure especially when in stressful situations.

6. More sleep, faster

The rush of oxytocin (one of the brain’s “feel good” chemicals), released after climax, acts as a sleep aid.  Adequate sleep helps the body recharge and stay healthier. 

7. Lowers Blood Pressure 

Sex has been shown to lower blood pressure, which in turn helps combat anxiety, relieves tension and can calm both our mental and physical states.  

8. Increased mental clarity

As most exercise does, sex increases blood flow to the brain.  This increased blood flow can energize the brain and boost concentration, focus and mental clarity.

9. Improves female bladder control

Besides improving heart health and burning calories, sex is a workout for pelvic floor muscles. This is especially beneficial for women facing the prospect of incontinence.  Contractions had during orgasm help tone and tighten these pelvic muscles, leading to better urinary control.

10. May reduce incidence of Prostate Cancer

One study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, showed that men who ejaculated frequently were less likely to get prostate cancer.  Reducing cancer risk by having sex, is just one of its health benefits.