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New study: Diet linked to prostate cancer survival

New York, NY – (PR Newswire – December 7, 2015) - New research suggests that what you eat is linked to the development of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer, also known as the “silent killer”, is the second leading cause of cancer death in men in the United States, behind lung cancer. It is also the most common type of cancer in men other than skin cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, about 1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point during their lives.

Dr. David Samadi's Prostate Cancer Center, offers free phone consultations for patients who are newly diagnosed with prostate cancer. Visit ProstateCancer911.com or call 212.365.5000 to set up your free phone consultation to talk with Dr. Samadi about the right prostate cancer treatment for you.

In most cases of prostate cancer, the disease progresses rather slowly. However, some men may have a more aggressive disease that can spread quickly. It is critical for prostate cancer to be detected in the early stages when it is still confined to the prostate. When prostate cancer is found early, there is a much high survival rate.

This new research suggests that men who have prostate cancer can improve their chance for survival by making small dietary changes. Eating a lot of sugar, red meat, and dairy products gives the cancer cells the fuel they need to grow. These are some of the dietary changes men with prostate cancer can make to improve their chance for survival:

·       Limit the amount of red meat you consume; do not eat red meat more than two to three times per month

·       Limit the amount of sugary foods you consume

·       Limit the amount of dairy products you consume

·       Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains

·       Increase the amount of omega-3 fatty acids you consume; good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, fortified eggs, and supplements

·       Decrease the amount of omega-6 fatty acids you consume; omega-6 fatty acids are often found in hamburgers, hotdogs, and fried foods

While making dietary changes is not a cure, it can certainly improve your chance for survival. Other than diet, patients may want to talk to their doctor about their vitamin D levels. Research shows that low vitamin D levels have been associated with more aggressive prostate cancers, while higher levels of vitamin D may contribute to slowing down prostate cancer growth.

If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, contact Dr. David Samadi to discuss what dietary changes you can make that may help with your diagnosis. Dr. Samadi is a world renowned prostate cancer surgeon and urologic oncologist. Call 212.365.5000 to set up your consultation.