Is Your House Making You Fat?
Is your house making you fat? From white plates to loud music and bright lights, it's quite surprising how our home can be helping with weight gain.
The average person makes 200 food decisions a day according to research at Cornell University in the U.S. According to a report by Healthista, the layout of your house affects food and exercise habits. You could unwittingly be eating more food than you need as a result.
There's a growing body of scientific evidence that shows if you're overweight, it could be because of the layout of your living quarters.
Do's and Dont's
Do eat off contrasting plates and reduce the size of the serving spoon
- If you eat white rice off white plates, you'll eat more
- Contrast your plates with your food
- For serving spoon, if you reduce the size of ice cream serving scoop, people served themselves 14% less
Don't drink from short, wide tumblers
- People tend to drink more from short, wide tumblers
- Use a tall, narrow glass instead
Do shop online for groceries
- Studies found people made healthier choices when they shop for food online.
Don't eat while watching T.V.
- We lose track of how much we eat when paying attention to T.V.
Do store junk food in dark containers or wrap in foil and keep out of close reach
- You're less likely to eat junk if you don't see it
- Keep healthy food in clear containers
Don't keep bright lights and loud music going in the house
- This is a big no-no. It promoted more eating
Do keep your gym bag and sneakers next to your bed
- It'll help you keep your promise to exercise first thing in the morning
Don't keep your side tables close to the couch in your living room
- They should be more than arm's length away from where you sit to discourage snacking
- You can also take it a step further and make your living room a food-free zone