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6 Things You Shouldn't Keep From Your Doctor

When you attend your annual physical, it's important to ask a lot of questions and inquire about your risk factors for diseases that run in the family. Most people (especially men) breeze through the standard blood tests and urine samples and walk out. This could be hurting your health. Even further, do you have pain or ailments that you're not sharing with your doctor? This is extremely dangerous. Even the smallest symptom can be a indicator for a disease. Some people don't want to seem like a hypochondriac but the truth is many symptoms overlap and ignoring symptoms especially after they're sustained over the course of a few weeks, you need to talk to your doctor just to be on the safe side. 

Here are 6 things you shouldn't keep from your doctor. 

1. Share any vitamins or supplements you're taking with your doctor: If you start taking a vitamin or supplement after reading information about it, it's imperative you speak with your doctor. You don't even know if you're deficient in these vitamins. Not everyone needs more vitamin C or D. Consult with your doctor before taking anything. 

2. Blood in your stool: This can be a symptom of colorectal cancer which if caught early can be cured. 

3. You feel depressed: Even small signs of depression can be an indicator to a bigger issue. At the very least, if your doctor knows about it, they can track and monitor its progression on your next visit. It's not a sure diagnosis but knowledge is power and the more you share with your doctor, the better off you'll be.

4. You don't eat right or exercise: Admit these to your doctor. Not eating healthy and having an inactive lifestyle can lead to chronic diseases. Talk to your doctor and ask them for advice on small changes you can make today.

5. You stopped taking prescribed medication: If you've been on a prescription and you didn't finish it out or felt you didn't need it, you need to tell your doctor. Or even further, if the side effects of said medication really bothered you, your doctor needs to know that. 

6. Your sex drive is low: Sexual issues are not something most people are very open about but again a sudden low libido can be an indicator of something else. Women especially need to discuss emotional and sexual health with their doctor because it can be a sign of a physical problem. Loss of sexual desire can be a sign of chronic stress, anxiety, depression or even an eating disorder. Some premenopausal symptoms can also cause issues like vaginal dryness.