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When Dealing with Sinusitis, Try Your Grandmothers Remedy First

Tens of millions of Americans suffer from at least one episode of sinusitis in their lifetime, something that you probably know as a sinus infection.  Classic symptoms for sinusitis include:

·         Nasal congestion

·         Runny nose

·         Pressure or pain felt behind the eyes or teeth.

These symptoms are caused by inflammation and infection of the sinuses.  

What are sinuses?

The sinuses are air-filled spaces located behind the forehead, nose, checks, and eyes. Normally, mucus drains from the sinus, while air is able to circulate within them. When the sinus opening becomes blocked, bacteria and germs can easily become overgrown, resulting in infection and discomfort.

Who is at risk for sinusitis?

Conditions that can increase one risk of sinus infection include diseases which increase mucus production or physical block the sinus, such as a polyp. Similarly, allergies, can increase the likelihood of developing sinusitis. While, March is still considered winter (for the most part), early heat waves can result in higher than normal pollen counts.  This can increase the effects for those who suffer from seasonal allergies.

How to deal with a sinus infection

While one’s initial instinct might be to request antibiotics, growing research is showing that this rarely the best course of action.  Because of the vast majority of sinus infections are due to viral etiologies, only 2 percent of episodes are due to bacteria, antibiotics, are useless against viral sinus infections. This is because the target of antibiotic medications, are bacterial infections not viral ones.

When treating a viral infection, the main focus of getting better is symptom relief. Staying hydrated is key, as it helps thin the mucus and promotes drainage. In particular, drinking warm non-caffeinated beverages helps keep you hydrated and sooth sore throats, while the steam helps loosen mucus. Over the counter medications, such as ibuprofen or naproxen will help reduce pain and inflammation, while decongestants can help ease congestion.

When you suspect a sinus infection, the best course is to consult your physician, as they can help determine whether or not antibiotics are appropriate. Take note of how long symptoms persist, if you experience a change in vision, a sustained fever higher than 101°F, or experience confusion.  If you experience any of these more severe symptoms, it is important to seek medical care immediately.  These could be signs of a more concerning condition, and it is necessary to seek the advice of a professional.