Time to get up and walk like a man
Remember the song “Walk like a man” by the Four Seasons? Maybe it wasn’t exactly referring to walk as in getting in more exercise, but we can pretend it was in a subtle way meaning just that. And yes, men should walk – a lot. But unfortunately walking as a legitimate form of beneficial exercise may be seen by some men as being, well, rather unmanly.
Many men associate walking with much older men who walk the perimeter of malls or men who wear an unmanly brand of an athletic shoe that they wouldn’t be caught dead in. But that’s just the problem – if more men would take advantage of this very easy, very convenient mode of physical activity, may be they could add a few more years to their life and more abundant life to their health.
Too often what finally gets a man convinced to lace up those sturdy walking shoes is a health wake-up call from his physician warning him that his health status is declining – maybe he’s been told he has high blood pressure, prediabetes, or high cholesterol. If a man gets this sort of cautionary health check message, quite often it’s his physician suggesting walking as a very viable means of getting back in shape andgetting his health back.
What does it take to convince a man it’s time to walk like a man? Here are ten reasons that could be the catalyst getting him off the couch and out the door:
1. Men who walk live longer – Walking just 2 miles a day can cut a man’s risk of an early death almost in half according to the Honolulu Heart Study of 8000 men. One of the risks lowered was dying from cancer. Regular walks can improve a man’s chance of a longer, healthier life.
2. Men who walk have healthier body weights – Just adding 2000 extra steps in a day can help prevent gaining a pound. That may not sound like much but every little bit helps and when combined with eating a healthier diet with loads of fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains, it all adds up to reaching a healthier body weight.
3. Men who walk actually walk off the weight – The act of walking itself means men will be building lean muscle mass, lose inches of fat and boosting their metabolism. Walking is an important part of any exercise program. Almost all men who have been successful at weight loss have maintained a program of walking or other exercise similar to it.
4. Men who walk reduce their risk of cancer – Many studies have sung the praises of walking’s benefits on reducing the risk of many types of cancer. Even if a man has cancer, he is recommended to be as active as he can and walking fits the bill perfectly. Any cancer survivor will tell you that walking was a valuable part of aiding in their recovery.
5. Men who walk reduce their risk of heart disease and stroke – Heart disease and stroke are the leading killers of men. Men who walk 30 to 60 minutes a day can cut their risk of these two conditions in half.
6. Men who walk reduce their risk of diabetes – Men who have a family history of diabetes can do themselves a huge favor by walking. A study by the Graduate School of Public Health at the University of Pittsburgh, found that walking for 30 minutes a day cut diabetes risk for overweight as well as non-overweight men. Even if a man already is diagnosed with diabetes, walking also helps maintain blood sugar levels and keeps weight in check.
7. Men who walk boost their brain power – All men like to think of themselves as smart and if they really are, they will take the time to walk. It has been found that men who walk 45 minutes a day at a 16-minute mile pace increased their thinking skills and mental sharpness. Even if a man cannot walk that fast, just walking at a more leisurely pace can bring brain benefits in better cognitive functioning.
8. Men who walk have lowered stress levels – Any form of movement but for sure walking, can lead to a release of the body’s natural happy hormone of endorphins. Endorphins make a man feel better, improves his mood , increases his pleasure in life and can even minimize pain.
9. Men who walk can prevent erectile dysfunction – Men, if this one doesn’t convince you to buy a pair of walking shoes, I don’t know what will. Taking a brisk two-mile walk a day is a rejuvenating way to reduce his risk of impotence.
10. Men who walk are more creative – If men ever find themselves pacing the floor because they do their best thinking on their feet, that’s good – it means your creative juices are more likely flowing better than ever. This is according to a study out of Stanford that found walking boosted creative inspiration. Just the act of walking itself led to higher creativity levels that were significantly higher for those who walked compared to those sitting.