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That Acne in men: Causes and cures

 That Acne in men: Causes and cures

Acne is always annoying no matter what age a person may be.  Especially for adult men whose face has not gotten the message they are long past the days of going through puberty. But why would acne crop up in men?  It could be a result of small daily habits including a man’s skin type causing acne flare-ups.

What causes acne in men?

Men experiencing acne can usually blame the predominant hormone that rules a man’s life – testosterone. It’s the excess activity of this male hormone that affects the hair follicles and oil glands that lead to excess oil production, blockage of hair follicles and then inflammation from overgrowth of bacteria in the area of facial skin.

Another common cause of persistent acne in men is being physically active by working up a sweat. Some men may notice frequent breakouts, especially on their back, neck, and chest if they work out a lot. Even though working out is a good thing, the sweat from running or lifting weights may also be aggravating acne flare-ups. Also any man using anabolic steroids to bulk up should be aware they are likely to make acne worse.

Frequent touching of the face or not changing bed sheets regularly can also be behind adult acne.  Whenever we touch our face, any oil or germs on the hands or fingers can cause clogged pores or acne.  Another cause could be greasy skin or hair products (this includes beard oils and waxes) that can plug hair follicles making it easier for acne to make an unwanted appearance.

Even shaving of facial hair can be an irritant to the skin resulting in acne or acne-like problems.

If a man is not hydrating his body by drinking at least 64 ounces of water daily, his skin could be lacking much-needed moisture. In addition, relying on caffeine or alcohol to replenish fluids are not smart choices as they can dehydrate skin. 

For men who like hot or even cold showers, these temperature extremes can cause broken capillaries and redness making male skin look rough and unhealthy. And for men who lack sleep, his skin can suffer by breaking out in acne.

Should men seek out help from a dermatologist?

Dermatologists are doctors specializing in skin disorders and one of the most common patient visits they see, are those seeking help in clearing up acne.  Depending on the extent of acne a man may be having, scheduling an appointment with a dermatologist can be a good start in learning how to clear up their skin.  Often the use of prescribed topical medications or antibiotics is typical methods used by dermatologists to clear up skin. Here are other reasons why a man may want to see a dermatologist when he has acne issues:

·      Over-the-counter medications are not working – If a man has tried an over-the-counter anti-acne medication and it’s not consistently helpful, he may need a prescription medication from a dermatologist.

·      If acne is leading to scarring – Anytime a man is noticing scarring from his acne, it is important to see a dermatologist as soon as possible. Scarring from acne indicates a more serious issue that needs aggressive treatment.

·      Anytime a man is bothered by it – Psychologically, having acne as an adult can have potentially lifelong implications.  Low self-esteem, embarrassment, unnecessary suffering, are all reasons to seek out help from a dermatologist.  They can help men figure out the primary cause of their acne and develop a treatment plan to reduce the incidence of it as much as possible.

What are other effective treatment options?

There are several options available for treating acne.  Keep in mind, what works for one person may not work for another.  If acne breakouts are mild, many men may be able to simply get into a basic skin-care routine. Here is an example of a few basic steps taking no more than about 5 minutes:

·      Cleanse – Every morning and at the end of each day, men should take time to use a cleanser powerful enough to wash away dead skin cells, clear clogged pores and get rid of any build-up.  Lathering the skin care cleanser, applying to the face in circular motions and then rinsing it well with lukewarm water can be a good start in ensuring skin is kept clean.

·      Toner – After cleansing the face in the morning and again before bedtime, using a toner can cleanse deeply for below-the-surface impurities.  A toner can be applied with a cotton ball rubbed across the face and neck and then should be allowed to dry to purify the pores even more deeply.

·      Moisturize – Women are not the only ones who should moisturize their skin.  Men need to also moisturize as cleansing and toning can make skin feel dry.  Again, use moisturizer every morning and evening to keep skin from getting flaky. Surprisingly, dry skin often means more acne so keeping skin hydrated helps prevent that.

·      Exfoliate – Twice a week, men should exfoliate, preferable before shaving. An exfoliating scrub helps remove dead skin cells helping keep pores clear.