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Surprisingly, beards are healthier than you think

Surprisingly, beards are healthier than you think

The royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle a few weeks ago went off without a hitch but there was one thing that caught the eye of everyone watching – Prince Harry’s beard.  Since 2013, Prince Harry has been skipping the razor choosing instead to sport a beard following the trend of facial hair like so many men are doing nowadays.  While it is customary to be clean-shaven whilst in his Blues and Royals dress uniform, Prince Harry chose instead to rock his beard on the day of his wedding.

Whether you prefer a clean shaven look or prefer fashionable facial hair, is really a matter of personal preference.  However, questions have been raised over the sanitary condition of a full-grown beard as some studies have shown beards can harbor dangerous bacteria.  But other studies have had opposite results showing that the unshaven look may actually have some surprisingly serious health benefits for men. 

The “not to shave” fad has been going strong for several years and shows no sign of slowing down.  Walk down any busy sidewalk and you are sure to see many men who have opted for the “let it grow” look.  And maybe that’s okay as there are actually many potential health benefits men can gain from having half their face covered in hair.  Here is how beards benefit men:

·      Beards help protect a man’s skin from sun damage.  Facial hair can help block harmful UV rays though the degree of protection may depend on the density and thickness. Some UV rays will get through but hair is a reflective medium helping to disperse the light, thus protecting against skin damage.

·      Beards provide warmth.  Those extra whiskers help add a layer of protection to a man’s face, chin and neck keeping him toasty warm in cold weather.  Obviously, the longer and fuller the beard (think of the men in Duck Dynasty), the more insulation it provides. 

·      Beards make a man look more attractive.  It’s all in the eye of the beholder, but many women do find men with beards attractive.  In fact a study by the Official Journal of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society found that men with a moderately full beard are found most attractive and men with full beads may be perceived as better fathers who could protect and invest in their children.  Beards also give men a powerful look which is also seen as an attractive attribute. 

·      Beards can protect against throat illnesses.  Facial hair can help keep airborne bacteria out of a man’s mouth which protects his throat.  This means less sore and scratchy throats to contend with.

·      Beards reduce the change of bacterial infection.  Having facial hair add an extra layer of protection from bacteria.  All of us have bacteria that naturally live on our skin.  When a man shaves his face, this can create openings that bring in bacteria which can lead to infections and ingrown hairs.  Plus, men who don’t shave have less acne flare-ups.

·      Beards give a man more time.  Think about it – shaving takes time and when a man has a beard, he gains more time to do other important things.  Back in 1972, a study was done that showed the average man spends an estimated 3,350 hours of his life shaving which is equivalent to 139 days or almost five months. 

·      Beards may improve a man’s sex life.  This is an interesting benefit all men will likely welcome.  But according to a 2008 study by psychologists at Northumbria University, women rated men with stubble as tough, mature, aggressive, dominant, and masculine, and as the best romantic partners for a long-term relationship.  Simply having facial hair sends a powerful sexual signal and an obvious biological marker of sexual maturity. 

Tips for maintaining a healthy beard

Even though growing a beard may look like an expression of freedom, it is also a commitment so it doesn’t get out of hand.  Beards will need nurturing and upkeep to look their best.  For example, beards that are not kept clean can accumulate yeast and even develop dandruff in it, which will be attractive to no one.  There is also the challenge beard growers may have of ingrown follicles that result in bumps known as acne keloidalis.

The goal is to have a healthy beard and here are top tips for keeping it clean looking its best:

·      Shampoo and wash facial hair regularly at least a few times a week.  Use a gentle, moisturizing shampoo to prevent it from becoming dry and brittle.  There are also moisturizers for beards to keep them soft.

·      Beards also need a conditioner to keep it from getting too wiry. 

·      Moisturize your face along with moisturizing the skin beneath the beard.  Without proper moisture, the body will produce extra oil which can cause breakouts.

·      While there are no special foods that improve beard growth, to properly nourish the hair follicles, eat a healthy diet with adequate protein of between 25-30 grams at each meal.

·      Whether you want a full beard or a more angular look, use the right beard trimming tools to shape it up.  If you are not sure how to use them, ask a barber to give you a more polished look.

·      Since no one likes to see food caught in a beard, prevent your beard from becoming a food catcher by taking small bites and wiping your face after each one.