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Penis size doesn’t matter as much as you think

Surely every man out there at one time or another has wondered how well he “measures up” compared to other guys when it comes to his penis.  Many men often believe they are smaller than average or in no way can compete with what they perceive to be larger than usual.  Keep in mind, from your perspective, when you look down at your penis, it does indeed appear smaller when compared with how it looks straight on or from the side.

What men need to understand is for the vast majority of women, they really don’t focus much at all if any on the size of your penis.  In fact, a study published in the British Journal of Urology International found 85% of women say they never fret or are dissatisfied with how large or small their partner’s penis may be and were satisfied with the size and proportion of it.  That should be reassuring enough to get over the length or mass of your manhood. 

If anything, most men might be surprised that the average penis size in studies is not as long as you think.  According to the Journal of Urology, Annals of Plastic Surgery, and Journal of Sexual Medicine, the average American male penis length when fully erect is between 5.1 and 5.6 inches.

But, to further boost your confidence here are several reasons why you do not need to sweat over the small stuff:

·      Women prefer average size penises

A study published in the journal Plos One took a novel approach of asking 75 women to show their penis size preference with the use of 3D printed models of 33 different dimensions.  For long-term sexual partners, they went for a penis of slightly shorter circumference and length compared with their choice for a one-night stand – choosing an average length of 6.3 inches and a girth of 4.8 inches. 

So rest assured, size is not as critical as you think and this is one time when being average comes out on top.

·      Penile penetration usually does not help women orgasm

Let’s face it, most women simply cannot have an orgasm from penile penetration alone – no matter what size you are.  A woman’s clitoris must be stimulated in order for her to reach climax and during sexual intercourse, the penis is most likely not rubbing against the clitoris to make this happen.  So relax, and be a good lover by attending to her needs first with oral or manual stimulation, or both, for a pleasurable experience.

·      Large penises are not comfortable for women

Yes, those well-endowed men you might have seen on porn may look like what a woman wants, but in reality, not really.  On average, the vagina is 3 to 4 inches deep during unaroused periods, although some women have a vagina that is around 5 to 7 inches deep.  While the vagina most commonly expands during times of arousal, if a man has a particularly large penis, it may not fit properly inside, making the woman feel pain and discomfort.  And if this same large penis penetrates a woman who is not sufficiently lubricated, the thrusting by the man can create friction to the vulva area which may promote genital injury.  Larger penises can also contribute to a higher risk of infections in women as they can increase the risk of introducing bacteria into the vagina.  So, once again, it’s not all about size but rather about what feels good. 

Bottom line

What it all boils down to is to stop worrying about the length of your penis.  Focus instead, on being a generous and skillful lover which will trump penis size any day.  And remember, the most important sexual organ you have is your brain.  Use it to your advantage, asking her what she likes before and during your sexual encounters.  Also realize there is far more to a relationship than sex.  By putting your attention on growing your relationship and not your penis, you will be setting your priorities where they need to be.