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Motives of Men Who Fake Orgasms

It’s taken for granted that most women at one time or another has faked an orgasm.  But a man - no way!  Men are usually the sexual aggressor in most relationships and besides, what man in his right mind would ever fake one of the (ok the most) pleasurable feeling on earth?

What often is the root cause of a man faking an orgasm stems from relationship issues.  Trouble brewing between a couple can often extend into their bedroom activities. 

Surprisingly, men can be just as convincing as a woman in playing the role of achieving climax - moaning, physical movements indicating it has happened to voicing his extreme pleasure. 

To understand why a man would put on an Oscar winning performance pretending he had an orgasm, let’s look at possible motives for his actions:

·         To hide a problem of premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a form of male dysfunction where a man may have an orgasm sooner than he wants.  In this case, he may actually have already achieved climax but it happened before sexual penetration occurred.  To conceal this issue, he will pretend to have an orgasm after he has vaginal penetration.

·         Concerns with his partner

If a man is worried about his partner feeling uncomfortable during sex or due to the amount of excessive time it is taking, he may fake an orgasm.  Maybe it’s taking too long and he is getting tired.  Some men would rather have his partner believe that he was able to climax than to hurt is partner’s feelings if he simply stopped without achieving one.

·         Pride over loss of an erection

A man’s pride and joy is to be able to achieve and then maintain an erection.  However, there will be times when an erection doesn’t last long or it will “deflate” during sex.  So in order to preserve his pride, he will opt instead to give a good performance of pretending to have climaxed.

·         To get sex over with

This one is hard to believe for men but if a man is just not into sex on a particular occasion, they may decide to imitate having an orgasm just to “get it done.”

Quit pretending and get some help

If a man pretends to climax every great once in a while it may not be anything to worry about.  But if his game of make-believe is ongoing or happening on a regular basis, them it is time to seek help:


·         Start with your doctor

The reason to start here is to rule out any kind of physical or medical condition that could be the primary reason for having to put on this front of having an orgasm.  If the problem is due to premature ejaculation or difficulty in maintaining an erection, there are treatments a doctor can suggest to help with these issues.  Don’t delay getting your doctor’s opinion and advice.

·         Seek help with a sex therapist

If your primary care doctor is unable to help with the situation, the next step is mostly likely to visit with a sex therapist.  The problem may be emotionally related and a sex therapist can help a man understand the reason for not being able to have a bona fide orgasm.

·         Review medications taken and reduce alcohol or illicit drugs

A review of medications a man takes is necessary to. When under the influence, a man’s ability to climax will be hampered. 

·         Communication with his partner

Ultimately, it’s going to have to involve better communication between a man and his partner.  Communication has always been the key to unlocking a more rewarding sexual experience.  If a man is feeling too much pressure to put on a rock star-style sexual act, that needs to be discussed.  Both partners need to remember it’s the journey along the way that leads to a desirable destination.