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Men, discontinue ED drugs before surgery

Each year, millions of prescriptions for erectile dysfunction such as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra are written for men to help correct the problem.  When used correctly, these medications can be helpful in treating this condition.  But the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) reminds men who are currently using an erectile dysfunction medication to be forthright and always tell the anesthetist they are using this medication before undergoing surgery or other medical procedures. 

The reason it is important for a man to be honest in his use of these drugs is that erectile dysfunction medications contain nitric oxide, which opens blood vessels and relaxes muscles.  When they are combined with anesthesia and other medications used during surgery, there is the risk of a man’s blood pressure becoming dangerously low.  The AANA also reminds everyone that this danger also applies to anyone using over-the-counter and herbal remedies.  Herbal remedies or supplements include ginseng, ginger, saw palmetto, St. John’s wort or black cohosh, just to name a few.

Other information the AANA wants men to be aware of include the following:

·      ED drugs need to be discontinued for a couple of days prior to surgery as it takes the drug at least 24 hours to clear the body.

·      Besides ED drugs, everyone, both men and women, need to tell their anesthesia provider of all prescription and nonprescription medications they are taking.  This information is kept confidential and patients should not feel embarrassed about using these products.  The information is necessary to help make an anesthesia plan and to keep the patient safe. 

·      It is strongly advised to let a spouse, friend, or family member know of all medications a person is taking as in the event of an emergency, they will be able to share this information with the healthcare provider.