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Is There a Link Between Frequent Ejaculation and Prostate Cancer?

Is There a Link Between Frequent Ejaculation and Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer like any cancer is a life threatening disease and one that is dreaded. Any research that is being done into it is welcomed by those who already suffer with this, or are high risk for it. Being able to reduce the risks of it is one way to work towards prevention of it.

There have been many different studies that have been taking place about this particular cancer for years. Even if a study is old it doesn't mean that it doesn't have something of value. Further studies will often support the finding of a previous study or eliminate its findings based on new evidence.

Sometimes a prostate study will only be able to determine one piece of the puzzle when it comes to prostate cancer where the next study will build upon this.

A series of studies that have been done over a period of time and focusing on frequency of ejaculation and its relation to prostate cancer have been done. These have been independent studies meaning that they are not follow up studies by the same researchers with the exception of the 2004 study.

2003 Study

This is pertaining to a study that took place in Australia that focused on sexual factors and how they could related to prostate cancer. Part of the findings from this study indicated that younger men who ejaculate often are at a lower risk of developing prostate cancer.

2004 Study

Going back several years to one specific study this was focused on whether there was any correlation between frequent ejaculation and prostate cancer. The findings of this particular study indicated that "high ejaculation frequency was related to decreased risk of total prostate cancer."

2008 Study

Another study was conductedto determine cancer risk in men diagnosed with prostate cancer at a younger age and their sexual activity. The findings in this particular study determined that a risk decrease was only noted in men over the age of 50 who had prostate cancer and practiced frequent masturbation. This study also showed a significant contrast to some of the other studies when it came to men in their20s and 30s. For them the study there may be an increase in prostate cancer for those who ejaculated more frequently.

2016 Study

This study was a cohort study and extension of the study of 2004. The findings of this study indicated thatmen who engaged in frequent ejaculation were less likely to develop prostate cancer than those who did ejaculate as often.

Ongoing studies such as this that have the same focus can build upon one another to bring forth conclusive findings. This is what research is all about and when it comes to prostate cancer the results of the studies can help professionals in the treatment and prevention of this disease.