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Consume Berries For Better Erectile Function

A trip to the grocery store may hold the answer for improving erectile dysfunction.  Foods rich in flavonoids, compounds found in most fruits and vegetables having a positive impact on our health appear to be proof in the produce aisle for helping with erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is estimated worldwide to affect between 33-52% of middle-aged men impacting the quality of their life.  In the past, ED was thought to be more psychogenic or neuropathic in nature but more research is pointing towards vascular issues being the main etiology.

A 2016 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that a higher intake of regular consumption of specific flavonoid-rich foods is associated with reduced ED incidence.  This is the first observational study suggesting that increased regular intake of several dietary flavonoids is associated with improved erectile function. 

There are many types of flavonoids but of the main ones, three have the greatest benefit for men and ED – anthocyanins, flavanones, and flavones.  The best food sources containing high levels of these natural plant chemicals are found in berries like blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries, as well as cherries, grapes, apples, pears, and citrus fruit.

Over 50,000 men participated in the study which examined the relation between habitual flavonoid intakes and whether the men had ED or not.  Men who consumed on average at least three portions of flavonoid-rich foods each week were 10% less likely to experience ED.  It is not fully understood exactly how flavonoids help to reduce the incidence of ED but earlier research has shown that some flavonoids lead to more flexibility in the arteries which increases blood flow.

Findings from this study reinforce the knowledge that eating a healthy diet particularly rich in flavonoids, together with increased exercise and maintaining a healthy body weight are important components of health to improve sexual health. 

The other good thing from this study is that consuming these same foods rich in flavonoids also has a positive impact on preventing cardiovascular disease.  ED is often an early barometer of poor vascular functioning and the sooner a man embraces a healthy lifestyle by eating a better diet, the greater the potential for flavonoids to improve men’s overall health.