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Best sex life advice for men over 50

Best sex life advice for men over 50

The 50th birthday is often a turning point for many individuals. For men, this may especially ring true. More gray hairs, more muscles aches and pains, more lack of energy, and more problems with sex.  From low libido to erectile dysfunction, the older they get, suddenly sexual problems are throwing a wrench into their sex life.

Men suffering from sexual issues past the age of 50 are not alone.  But this doesn’t mean men should simply give up and consider their sex life a thing of the past.  The first step is to have a frank discussion with their doctor about what is going on. Men who want to put the spark back in their sexual relations will have to most likely initiate this conversation. 

In the meantime, here are other ways men can reboot a lackluster sex life once past the age of 50:

·      Trim belly fat

Excess belly fat is no friend to a man’s sex life. One way it influences it is by decreasing the amount of blood that flows to the penis.  An erection occurs when the blood vessels leading to the penis dilate, causing it to fill with blood.  The penis must store blood in order to keep an erection.  Therefore, the ability of a man to develop and maintain penile erection depends on the health of his vascular system. 

Another factor affecting the health is the endothelium – the thin layer of cells that line the interior surface of all blood vessels.  If the endothelium is damaged by excess belly fat, it may not release enough nitric oxide – a molecule that signals the surrounding muscles to relax in order for the blood vessels to dilate and help cause an erection. 

Carrying excess weight can also affect erectile dysfunction by lowering testosterone levels.  Testosterone is the primary sex hormone in men and plays an important role in libido and sexual function. 

To get an accurate measure of the waistline, use a cloth tape measure, placing it around the largest diameter of the belly – where the elbow bends at the waist.  Any man who has a waist circumference 40 inches or greater has too much visceral fat and is putting his health at risk.

·      Have a heart check

If a man already has high blood pressure or diabetes, they should also have their heart function checked out.  Oftentimes, men experiencing erectile dysfunction could possibly also have significant heart disease.

·      Could it be low testosterone?

When testosterone levels plummet, a man’s sex life is bound to suffer.  One of the most significant and first signs of low testosterone is a reduced interest in sex.  Some men may chalk it up to getting older as it can be common for sex drive to decline with age.

Testosterone is not only the driver turning on the engine for sexual desire but is also responsible for helping a man achieve and maintain an erection.  Testosterone works together with nitric oxide, a molecule triggering a series of chemical reactions that is necessary for an erection to occur.  If testosterone levels plummet, a man will have difficulty in achieving an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse.

 A drop in testosterone can be a main reason for zapping a man’s energy levels.  Men who used to have loads of energy throughout the day who now require an afternoon nap just to make it to dinnertime, and by the time they crawl into bed, they are too tired to even consider sex.

Any man, no matter what his age, experiencing any symptoms of low testosterone, should contact their physician to be tested and treated if necessary for low testosterone.

·      Consider medication

One of the first-line treatments for erectile dysfunction is prescription medications for Viagra, Levitra, or Cialis. Each one can be very effective for helping men to perform in bed to gain their sex life back.  A primary care physician or urologist can determine which medication is best for a man to use.

·      Relax and make time for sex

Life is stressful.  Men feeling overwhelmed with too many responsibilities or obligations often have little desire for sex.  Men need to make it a priority to make time for nurturing his sexual side with his partner.  Doing so will help men regain intimacy by removing barriers getting in the way of fostering a loving and meaningful relationship that leads to the best sex of all.