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7 aches and pains men should not ignore

Men like to look and appear strong.  And most times they are.  But when an ache or pain somewhere in their body keeps reminding them something isn’t right, they should not ignore it.  Many men may want to dismiss minor pains chalking them up to getting older or being out of shape and nothing more.  Ignoring symptoms to point of them progressively getting worse, is not a smart thing to do and can create even more problems than a man wants to deal with. 

Any man noticing an ache here or a pain there should pay attention to what his body is trying to tell him and to seek out help for it.  Here are 7 such aches and pains men should not neglect and instead find the cause and solution for them:

1. Sudden groin pain

Groin pain is any type of pain felt below a man’s beltline.  Sudden groin pain can range from a noticeable but minor pain to a more intense feeling described as a “kick in the gut.” Sometimes groin may be accompanied by swelling. 

What it may be: There’s a good chance it could be testicular torsion in which the spermatic cords that attach his testicles to the body get twisted, cutting off the flow of blood to the testicle.  The pain could also be signaling a hernia which is when an internal part of the body pushes through a weakness in the muscle or surrounding tissue wall.

Any groin pain a man is having needs to be checked out by his physician as soon as possible so the problem does not become worse. 

2. Severe back pain

Many men have back pain but severe back pain will feel like complete agony with no end in sight.  Trying the usual remedies of heat, rest, OTC painkillers usually offer little to no relief.

What it may be:  Unless the severe back pain started in conjunction with performing exercise or lifting a heavy object, then it could be a sign of an aneurysm.  Aneurysms can occur in various parts of the body but if it is an abdominal aneurysm, they often are situated just above the kidneys and have the danger of bursting and being life-threatening.  Another less threatening possibility for severe back pain is a kidney stone.  Severe back pain should always be taken seriously and need the attention of a medical professional. 

3.  Persistent foot or shin pain

Aching feet are not uncommon.   But if a man is feeling a nagging pain in the top of his foot or the front of his shin at rest that intensifies when he exercises and is not responding to ibuprofen and acetaminophen, it most likely is a bigger problem. 

What it may be:  There’s a good chance he has a stress fracture.  Bones are continually regenerating themselves and can be prone to injury.  In men, stress fractures can occur when they are training so hard that the bone does not get a chance to heal itself and that is when a stress fracture can develop.  To get a proper diagnosis, a man should consult with his physician who will recommend he stop all physical activity for a few weeks in order to allow the crack to heal.

4.   Sharp pain in the abdomen

Pains in the abdomen can be described in a number of ways from feeling like a knife poking around in the gut to a skewer in the stomach.  No matter how they are described, sharp pains in the abdomen need to be checked out right away.

What it may be:  Jammed between the ribs and hips are organs such as the liver, stomach, intestines, and pancreas.  Generally, the cause is often due to something that has blocked the organ, resulting in a potentially fatal infection.  These situations need medical attention right away with no time delayed.  Pain in the lower-right abdomen could be appendicitis.  Pain in the upper abdomen often indicates an inflamed gallbladder and it the pain hurts below the breastbone, then pancreatitis could be the culprit. 

5.   Chest pain

 Any person, man or woman, feeling a heavy ache in the chest area that comes on suddenly needs to pay close attention to this.

What it may be:  Chest pain could be as minor as indigestion or very major as a heart attack.  Even if the pain is short and doesn’t last long, it can be a sign of something serious.  If a blood clot has lodged in a narrowed section of the coronary artery, it will completely shut off the flow of blood to that section of the heart.  Time is of the essence and this is not the time to wait and see what may happen.  Get to an emergency room as quick as possible or call 911.

6.  Leg pain with swelling

If a man notices one of his calves is swollen, warm and painful to the touch, this should not be overlooked as something minor.

What is may be:  There is the possibility it could be deep vein thrombosis or DVT.  This occurs when blood pools in the lower legs and forms a clot.  As the clot becomes bigger, it can become painful, swell and eventually block a vein in the calf muscle.  The worst thing to do is to rub the area of the leg hurting – that could dislodge a clot causing it to move up to the lung where it can result in death.  Seeking medical attention right away is necessary – doctors can dissolve the clot with medications or use other means to stop the clot. 

7.  Painful urination

The first sign of urinating feeling painful – burning, stinging or urinating more frequently – can be a common problem, especially in older men but still needs to be checked out. 

What it may be:  There are several possibilities from a urinary tract infection to a kidney stone to prostate problems.  Frequent urination without pain also can be a side effect of certain medications or a symptom of diabetes.  Men who are experiencing new problems with painful or frequent urination should see their doctor to figure out what the underlying cause is and how to treat it.