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6 Healthy Foods For Men

Men need to be conscious of what they're eating to fight chronic diseases like stroke, heart attack and diabetes. But eating healthy for a man is also important for male-only issues such as erectile dysfunction, male menopause and low testosterone. Here are 6 new food ideas for him to try.

1. Pumpkin / Yogurt/ Avocado Smoothie: Canned pumpkin boasts 17mg of beta-carotene and 12mg of alpha-carotene per cup.  Both of these carotenoids are converted by the body into retinol, one of the precursors to vitamin A.  The retinol combines with fat molecules from the avocado and yogurt, forming vitamin A.  Vitamin A as mentioned is an essential skin nutrient which helps cell growth and replenishment.

2. Kale, Mango, Parsley: Leafy greens are also rich in carotenoids.  One cup of kale has about 10x the minimum recommended daily value.  Unless you are taking supplements, don’t worry about getting too much of this vitamin from regular foods.  If you are taking Vitamin A supplements, talk to your doctor about how much is too much, or if you should be avoiding certain foods in your diet.

3. CANTALOUPE/YOGURT: Cantaloupe contains both beta and alpha-carotenes, which we could have guessed by its bright peachy hue.  2 cups of cantaloupe contains about 6mg of beta-carotene, which is a sizable amount for only a few cups.   With yogurt in the mix, you will get all the benefits vitamin A has to offer.

4. Coffee: Many studies show that 3-4 cups of black coffee help fight off heart disease, stroke, various types of cancers, diabetes and other chronic diseases. 

5. Magnesium-Infused Water: Many people are choosing to infuse their water with magnesium instead of the traditional lemon or ginger. Talk with his doctor first, but there are many supplements and extracts for magnesium to consider. Many people find it keeps energy levels high throughout the day. 

6. Grill more: Try grilling fish, your favorite veggies (even brussel sprouts can taste delicious grilled) and chicken. Our favorites are grilled lemon chicken, eggplant, veggie skewers, and grilled fruit for a sweet ending to your summer meal.