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6 health mistakes men need to avoid

6 health mistakes men need to avoid

Men who live full, action-packed lives are also men who usually take good care of themselves.  At least, all men should be doing what it takes to garner good health. This includes making good health habits a ritual and avoiding certain health mistakes putting them at risk for developing chronic diseases.

By evading the following 10 health mistakes, men can reap what they sow in terms of increasing the likelihood of enjoying a disease-free, healthy long life.

1.  Not getting regular checkups

Let’s face it.  Men don’t exactly jump at the chance to visit the doctor.  In fact, most men don’t come close to being as attentive to their healthcare screenings and other needs as women. 

The path to healthier living for men starts by getting over the fear of reluctance of seeing a doctor regularly.  Check-ups will provide primary care physicians with the necessary data to determine risks for heart disease, including readings on blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Most people with high blood pressure don’t even know it.  Similarly, high blood sugar and high cholesterol levels often do not produce any symptoms until the disease becomes advanced.

This makes the yearly visit to a doctor a must-do for men to safeguard their most precious commodity – their health.

2.  Believing a heart attack or stroke won’t happen to them

When men think of having a heart attack or stroke, they tend to believe it only happens to old men like their dad or granddad.  But younger men are at risk too.  Men need to know their family heart health history as heart disease runs in families.  If it does, a man could face the risk of headed to the emergency room as early in his 30s from having the “big one” happen.  Taking care of their heart should be a priority for all men which involves not smoking, eating healthy foods, regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy body weight.

3.  Ignoring snoring

Men who wake up in a groggy haze, frequent morning headaches, suffer from sore throats, feel sleepy in the afternoons, or who have a bed partner complaining of their “ loud snoring,” probably have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).  It is estimated that 22 million Americans suffer from OSA and within that group, about two-thirds are men. 

More than just annoying the person in bed next to you, OSA is a disorder that can cause a person to stop breathing for a few seconds and is also linked to heart disease and high blood pressure.  Any man exhibiting these symptoms needs to see his doctor for a thorough exam and sleep study. 

4.  Forgetting to slather on sunscreen

When it comes to taking care of their skin, men fall hopelessly short of doing so when compared to women.  Women are much more meticulous about putting on sunscreen.  Men often forego this step significantly increasing their risk of skin cancer.  Between outdoor work and play, men have more unprotected sun exposure than women.  They also tend to examine their skin less often and consequently, by the time they notice a spot on their skin that looks different, it could be a serious form of melanoma than can be harder to treat.   The majority of people, who get melanoma, are white men over age 50.  Being too cavalier about taking care of their skin may put them in a position of fighting for their life if they are diagnosed with the disease. 

Men should do a full-body skin examination every month and if anything is found looking suspicious, they should schedule an appointment with a dermatologist right away. 

5.  Not seeking help for erectile dysfunction

 Discussing erectile dysfunction (ED) with their doctor may be the last thing a man wants to do.  But for the sake his health and happiness, there’s no need for shame.  ED has nothing to with a man’s masculinity and is primarily caused by a lack of blood flow to the penis.  Up to 20 million American men suffer from impotence.  Men experiencing ED need to put their pride to the side and see their doctor. 

6.  Turning to alcohol or drugs to feel better

Men are natural born risk-takers.  They are more likely to drink excessively and turn to drug use to seek relief from problems they face.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, men are two times more likely to binge drink than women and to engage in illicit drug use.  Not only does this risky behavior place them at a much higher risk for major health issues but men are also less likely to seek the help they need to break their dependence. 

Recognizing a substance abuse problem is a start in getting a man the help he needs to gain control of his health and life.  The sooner this is addressed, the higher the chance a man can be rehabilitated returning to his life.