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5 Natural Ideas to Relieve Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, occurs when men are unable to keep their erection firm enough to engage in sexual intercourse with their partner. Men often experience erectile dysfunction as they get older because with age, a man’s level of testosterone decreases. This causes changes in sexual function such as impotence or lower libido.

While erectile dysfunction most commonly affects middle-aged men, it can affect younger men too. It is common for men to occasionally experience erectile dysfunction, especially when under a lot of stress, overconsumption of alcohol, or with fatigue. However, if men suffer from erectile dysfunction often or on a regular basis, it can be a sign of other underlying health conditions that are in need of treatment. It may also be an indicator for mental or emotional issues.

One of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction is atherosclerosis which occurs most often in middle-aged and older men. Atherosclerosis is caused by damage to the small blood vessels. This condition is linked to erectile dysfunction because the small blood vessels are responsible for supplying blood flow to the penis. Other physical causes of erectile dysfunction include kidney issues, thyroid problems, smoking, pelvic trauma, high blood pressure, nerve damage, blood vessel damage, and diabetes. 

1. Kegel Exercises: We recently wrote about Private Gym, the first FDA registered kegel exercise program. The Private Gym exercise program builds upon the scientific findings of Dr. Arnold Kegel, who, in the 1940s, developed simple exercises to prepare women for childbirth. For decades, doctors and leading medical institutions have recommended these exercises for women. Many people think that strengthening the pelvic floor is only for who are pregnant or considering getting pregnant. But more research has proven it is also great for men to improve their sexual function.

2. Aerobic Exercises: Beyond the pelvic floor, working the muscles can also help combat erectile dysfunction. A study published in the American Journal of Cardiology showed that aerobic exercise may help improve ED which is often caused by blood flow problems to the penis. Risk factors for this condition include obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, vascular disease. Adding aerobic exercise to your daily routine can improve overall health and improve ED. Even physical activity as simple as walking 30 minutes a day, 3-4 times per week may be enough to fight erectile dysfunction. 

3. L-arginine is an amino acid found in red meat, poultry, fish and dairy products. It's what we call a vasodilator which means that it helps expand blood vessels and increase blood flow. It's been studied as a treatment for ED and regarded a safe treatment. It can cause several side effects including nausea, vomiting and stomach cramps. It should not be taken with Viagra, nitrates or high blood pressure medication. Talk to your doctor and see if it's right for you. 

4. DHEA: Or also known as Dehydroepiandrosterone is a hormone produced naturally in the body. It's been studied as a treatment for ED and also regarded as a safe treatment. But research does show it may not be effective if erectile dysfunction stems from diabetes or a nerve disorder. It can interact negatively with some medications and side effects include acne, upset stomach and hair loss.

5. Coffee: A new study suggests that drinking a few cups of coffee each day could lower a man’s risk for erectile dysfunction. Researchers from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston found that men who drank at least two cups of coffee each day had a 42 percent reduction in erectile dysfunction problems. The study was published in the journal PLOS ONE. The study suggests that caffeine triggers a series of internal effects which increase blood flow to the penis. “The suggested biological mechanism is that caffeine triggers a series of pharmacological effects that lead to the relaxation of the penile helicine arteries and the cavernous smooth muscle that lines cavernosal spaces, thus increasing penile blood flow.” In other words, the caffeine helps the arteries in the penis relax arteries which increases the blood flow.