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Is Your Testosterone Level High Enough?

Testosterone sometimes gets a bad rap, like when cheezy explosion-filled movies are panned as “testosterone-fueled” or when it's used as a synonym for steroids. But in truth it is a hormone that is essential to a man's health and well-being, and the natural drop in our testosterone levels as we age can have serious repercussions. Here are some tips on what to eat – and what to avoid – to keep your testosterone levels topped off.

Get More of These:

1.      Protein: It builds muscles, so it stands to reason that protein consumption is crucial to keep our testosterone flowing. Lean beef, chicken, fish, and eggs are some of the obvious options, but vegans are more than well-served by eating tofu, nuts and seeds.

2.      Magnesium: You'll find this mineral in spinach by the fistful, and also in peanuts, cashews and almonds.

3.      Pomegranate: It's a fruit with a lot of mythic history, but more importantly, it lowers cortisol and other stress hormones which has the effect of raising your testosterone (and lowering your blood pressure!) Consider replacing your morning orange juice with this healthier alternative.

4.      Fish: Fatty varieties of fish, such as salmon, tuna and mackerel, area natural testosterone booster because they are rich in vitamin D.

5.      Zinc: This mineral helps your body make testosterone, so add some oysters to your diet: a serving has almost five times the recommended daily dose of zinc! Beef and beans are two other zinc-heavy foods.

6.      Sleep: Your testosterone levels peak when you start dreaming and stay there until you wake up. But daytime testosterone levels can drop up to 15 percent when you get only 5 hours of sleep. Aim for 7 or 8 hours every night.

7.      Muscles: Focus your gym time on your muscles. Hit the weight room at the gym, or get a trainer to help you with a routine on the exercise machines. Cardio may keep your heart healtyh, but it strength training amps up your testosterone.

Avoid These:

Alcohol: Beer, wine and whiskey may throw off many parts of your body's hormone system. Heavy drinkers can have shrunken testes, thin chest and beard hair, and higher levels of the female hormone estrogen. 'Nuff said.

Plastic: Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a chemical found in some plastics, cans, and other food packaging, and it can mess with your hormone-making. Store your left-overs in glass containers.