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What You Need to Know About Male Infertility

Infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to achieve pregnancy after one year of regular unprotected intercourse.  Infertility effects approximately 15% of couples, but male infertility is present in about 50% of infertile couples.  Male infertility is most commonly caused by:

·         Low sperm count

·         Slow sperm motility

·         Abnormal shape and size

·         Problems with semen

Are some men at higher risk than others for infertility?

The simple answer is, yes. Male risk factors for infertility vary but the most prominent factors are:

·         Impaired sperm production: this is typically due to increased scrotal heat, varicocele (the #1 cause of male infertility), and febrile illness which can impair sperm production for 3 months.

·         Hormonal disorders:  These include illnesses like hypogonadism, as well as thyroid disorders

·         Other medical risk factors:

o   Prostatitis

o   Cirrhoisis

o   DM

o   Post-puberty mumps

o   Cystic fibrosis

Medications, drugs and environmental, occupational exposure can also impair sperm production.  Let’s take a closer look:

  • Drugs:
    • Antibiotics like tetracycline can decrease sperm production by 20%
    • Drugs of abuse like cigarettes, marijuana, alcohol, steroids, opiates, heroin, methadone, cocaine all decrease sperm production
    • Other drugs like cimetidine, spironolactone, allopurinol, dilantin, and tricyclic antidepressants can also lower sperm count
  • Occupational/ environmental:
    • Being exposed to things like heavy metals, or agricultural chemicals such as DDT methyl chloride, can contribute to infertility.  Similarly, things that increase scrotal temperature like hyperthermia from hot tubs or warm baths can also lower viable sperm production.

Are there any other things men should be aware of when it comes their fertility?

There are some common myths when it comes to what may or may not cause male infertility.  For one, saunas and steam rooms do in fact contribute to decreased sperm production.  The increase in body temperature is enough to do this.  Similarly, a warm laptop on the lap will have the same effect. The heat that laptop computers produce can impact sperm production as well. Rearrange your workstation or use a laptop fan.  On the other hand, the type of underwear you wear has not been proven to impact sperm production.   There is also no conclusive evidence that long bike rides or cycling cause male infertility.